01 | Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I blinked and came out of my reverie as I looked to my left, my best friend Ji Eun scowling at me as usual.

"What is it?" I say a bit irritated.

"Don't get mad at me, the only way I can talk to you is if I yank them out of your ears." She began to frantically point at the headphones that were in her hand. "Yeah?! Well, you could be less violent about it and just tap me on the shoulder or something." I sent her a glare as I retrieved them from her death grip.

"But you haven't even heard what I need to tell you!" Ji Eun always said shit like that, making it sound urgent when it really wasn't. I rolled my eyes, already regretting my decision to ask. "What's so important this time?" I glanced at her, barely realizing how flushed and red she was from her face.

Did she run?

"I got my burn mark today. You'll never guess who it is!"

Oh fuck.

"I- Jesus, that's huge news!"

At that point, I was trying to compose my face while trying not to have a full-blown anxiety attack.

"I know! I can't even believe who it is either. It's Kim Taehyung! I used to think he was so adorable when we were little but I never thought he'd end up being my soulmate!"

My mind was swirling while trying to process everything. Kim Taehyung was a wonderful guy and he was perfect for Ji Eun. I never knew she had known him since they were kids though? Was I missing something?

"I'm just so glad he's not a mender! I always had that fear in the back of my mind, you know? I mean, who would want to lose their soulmate to the government like that."

Ji Eun had yet to realize I hadn't said a word.

"Look! I'm getting goosebumps just from the thought!" I stared at her arm, not willing to look up. Eventually, I got my shit together and forced a smile on my face. I quickly grabbed her hand and said, "That's great news, Ji. I wish you all the happiness in the world, you deserve it. Just don't ditch me, yeah? I'll miss you and hunt you down if you totally forget about me!" I laughed a little and punched her lightly for full effect. "And forget about the mender thing. You're safe now. Don't worry about such useless things."


The next day, I was on my way to psychology class when I spotted Ji Eun from far away. I started to walk faster so I could catch up to her, but I just didn't seem to be fast enough. When I finally caught up to her, I immediately put my hands on my knees and attempted to catch my breath.

I should really exercise more.

I looked up from my knees to see Ji Eun standing there calmly, smiling and talking to someone. I couldn't see their face because their back was turned to me, but they had a nice blue leather jacket and vibrant orange hair. They looked familiar to me.

Where had I seen that leather jacket before?

I decided to walk up to both of them, saying hi to Ji Eun first. When I turned to greet her friend, I instantly backed up out of fear.

"Ji Eun, what the hell!" I screeched, putting both of my shaking hands over my mouth.

They didn't have a face, just bandages wrapped around where their face should be.

I woke up in a cold sweat.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled angrily, facing my wall. I covered my mouth with my hand as the person in the dorm next to me kicked the wall, yelling for me to shut up.

The talk with Ji Eun about menders must have really fucked me up. All of us were scared to have a mender soulmate. They had the purest souls; born with abilities to heal. The government had found a way to use that to their advantage. It saved lives but ended others.

I flopped back onto my bed, not wanting to think about the topic anymore.

But....that blue leather jacket person. I know I've seen them before.

Hey hi hello >

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Hey hi hello >.<

So, this is the result of Jimin being my ult and making me weep every day over how beautiful he is.

I hope you guys enjoy this story!

please stay tuned for more!

Scintillateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن