03 | Jesus Christ

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I was curled up in bed enjoying Weightlifting Fairy when I felt my phone vibrate beside me

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I was curled up in bed enjoying Weightlifting Fairy when I felt my phone vibrate beside me.

"Seriously Ji Eun, I'm in the middle of something. What could be so urgent?!"

"Oh? Is that something watching dramas while eating pizza?" I stared at the half-empty box of pizza on my lap. "No..."

"Right, we all know you're such a social butterfly." I scoffed at her sarcasm. "That's why you should come out with me tonight."

"Honestly, Hoseok already asked me to hang out with him and his friends and I told him no. I don't really feel like going out anywhere." The line went silent for a few seconds before she replied with a huff. "Not even to meet my soulmate? I want you guys to meet and get along!"

Oh, this was so not fair. How dare she play the guilt card?!

"Why tonight of all nights?! Couldn't it be like, I don't know, next weekend?"

"No! It can't be next weekend! I need you to meet him now so you can see how adorably cute he is. He makes me want to explode, Yuri!" I grimaced at everything she was saying. She couldn't be serious. "That's all...? That's the reason why?"

"Well, also because it turns out he's Hoseok's really good friend. We're all gonna hang out and it wouldn't be the same without you! You're the life of the party." I squinted. A huge introvert like me being the life of the party? Now she was just plain desperate.

"Fine, I'll go, but just for a little bit." Ji Eun screeched from the other line, not even making any sense anymore. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so excited! You're really gonna love Taehyung!"

"Yeah? Well, we'll see about that."


I decided to go in something comfortable but still nice. I tied my black docs and looked up at the semi-long burgundy dress. It was loose but hugged my body just right. At least, I'd like to think so. I put on some makeup, dark burgundy lipstick to match. I sighed as I observed myself in the mirror. I breathed in and out, reminding myself that this outing would go by quickly and that I would be fine. I just needed to endure it.


I arrived at the club fifteen minutes early.

How was I supposed to get to know Taehyung in this loud environment?

I huffed and sat down at the bar, mindlessly tapping my fingers on the counter. I couldn't seem to ease the anxiety climbing up my throat. Then, I quickly remembered the headphones that I had stuffed in my purse. I knew it was going to look beyond out of place since there was already music blasting, but it didn't matter to me.

I put them in my ears and let the music soothe out my nerves. As a habit of mine, I began to mouth the words. Looking up from my phone, I hadn't realized someone had sat next to me.

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