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// warning: things get dirty real quick. mature sexual content up ahead....

Kim thought her mother Hosook was getting odder by the day.

Her mother before enjoyed lounging about home all day alone. But then things changed when Kim's uncle Yoongi (the brother of her father) had moved in. He lost his job and apartment due to a gambling addiction and supposedly had a wasteful cigarette spending habit.

Well her mother was beyond pissed at his arrival.

Her mother caused a stink when he came. And for over a week had swatted Kim's father with a slipper every-time he came back into the house. Her mother also didn't serve any cooked meals for either men for about a month. So Kim's father reluctantly resorted to ordering fried chicken for him and his brother during that period. Not that Uncle Yoongi complained about that.

Uncle Yoongi seemed harmless at first but was an absolute bum and an underachiever with unrealistic life goals. He slept in all day, rarely showered and barely applied for jobs. He claimed he was busy training for his idol debut.

Kim thought it was hilarious he thought he had a chance. No way in a thousand and beyond years would her uncle be an idol at the level of her dear BTS!

She could totally understand why her mother thought her uncle was a loser.

But something changed around the third month he was there with her mother's attitude.

Her mother started to act patient and sweet around her uncle. 

And then her mother would show up in shorter skirts and dresses, applied more makeup. Grew out her hair longer. She started to apply expensive perfumes and trendy jewelry.

And her mother acted even stranger still: She started to borrow less of her BTS fan memorabilia of late and went less to fan events.

Well Kim could tell her father was pleased by this makeover at least. As gross as it was for Kim to see her father's grabby hands linger on her mother's backside more than usual, she was glad of some semblance of peace restored in the house.

Except she didn't notice much an improvement in her uncle planning to move out. He still lingered like the bad smell he was.

Then one day her mother arrived home from the salon and Kim had opened the door since her mother forgot the house keys. 

It astonished her. Her mother looked ten years younger.

 Her mother looked ten years younger

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Kim was left speechless. She knew her mother was pretty but her mother had tended to go for a more traditional old fashion look.

"You don't like it?" her mother asked nervously at the door.

"Mother, you look beautiful!" Kim gushed as her mother shyly blushed and entered the house, "I could never be as beautiful as you!"

"Hush! I've seen that attractive deliveryman around here always eyeing you," her mother smirked back, "You just need to use that cute butt of yours to get more of his attention!"

My Uncle Yoongi - House of Army FicWhere stories live. Discover now