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Hosook couldn't believe it.

This is one of her and Jungkook's worst fears. Yoongi taking Kim back as his very own.

"You can't!" she yelled with all her might. It seemed to snap Yoongi out of his odd state as his mouth lingered on his beer bottle.

He gave her a dirty look in return, "I can't? I can't? I can't?! She's mine!"

"Yes! You can't because Kookie can't live without her," Hosook pleaded, "Please Yoongi see reason. And she's a child still. People will talk."

Yoongi took another angry swig from his bottle, "Kookie can't live without her? And what about me? You think I'm alive or something?!"

Hosook felt exhausted, "I know! But is this some sort of revenge against me? Then please punish me Yoongi but not Kookie. He's your younger brother and I know you deeply love him."

"And what if I don't want you anymore?" Yoongi sneered.

Hosook grabbed Yoongi's top by the collar and kissed him.

"Yoongi, don't lie," Hosook whispered in his ear, "You always wanted me."


Taehyung regretted leaving his sister Kim out and about at such a time.

Her height and awkwardness tends to scare off men but lately she was developing more and men were peeking at her long legs and muscular thighs. She was feisty often in appearance but she was all bark and no bite.

Once male students in his class noticed Kim was girlish and a sweetheart, they'd bother and tease him more often about what type of panties she wore.

"That damn Godzilla," he muttered her nickname affectionately.

I shouldn't go home now with her out and about like that. Who knows what type of perverts are out there? I'm a guy and I know how guys think. What kind of idiot am I?, Taehyung thinks.

Taehyung turned around. Heading back to the theater where he had last seen Kim, but decided to stop at the convenience store near by to grab his sister's favorite strawberry cola. He looked at the aisle of drinks trying to find the flavor. Thinking it would certainly cheer her up.

"What a surprise to see you here Taehyung," a smooth voice stated.

Taehyung jumped at the sight of his class President Park Jimin. His sister's biggest crush besides BTS. The one boy she named her dog after because the dog reminded her of Jimin.

Jimin grinned apologetically, "Ah, I didn't mean to frighten you!"

"N-no no," Taehyung stuttered, "Y-you y-you didn't class president!"

"Oh just call me Jimin, Taehyung," Jimin smiled gently.

Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up, but he still felt suspicious of Jimin.

"Ok, Jimin," Taehyung decided to control himself and stood tall as possible to show off his height.

It wasn't unnoticed by Jimin who raised an eyebrow at Taehyung's intimidation tactic.

"I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to know how's your sister since she skipped class today?"

"Why are you asking about my sister again?"

"She's easy to miss considering her presence," Jimin chuckled, "But seriously, tell her I missed seeing her today."

"And why would I do that?" Taehyung scoffed, "You rejected her two years ago. Telling her she was too tall for your taste."

"Tastes change Taehyung," Jimin replied and it made Taehyung want to smack the slight smug grin on the shorter boy, "Can you blame me? She's looking good these days."

My Uncle Yoongi - House of Army Ficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن