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// this is the dirtiest thing i've written i think....

Kim had not slept at all that night. 

As she had to regrettably get ready for school she thought of the traumatic sight she had witnessed a few hours before. 

The sight of her mother and Uncle Yoongi together. 

She had to tell her father, but she was unsure of how to do it. He was away on a long business trip in Brazil and she knew it was best not give him such news through text messages. Even then, she couldn't think of how to break it to him in person.

She felt like she was in a mad house!

"Where the hell is Cuty Jimin?" she asked herself. Usually the dog would be up whining at her door to go out for a walk or play before she went to school.

She needed Cuty Jimin by her side more than ever since she considered him her only ally against her uncle.

As she headed downstairs her mother as custom was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She felt sick at the idea of looking at her mother and eating at the same time. 

She decided it was best to head out as quietly as possible, but then she knocked over an indoor potted plant.

"Hey! Don't think I didn't see you!" she heard her mother yell behind her, "Sit down now and have your meal."

"I'm not hungry!" she rudely replied, her mother started to grumble about 'rude ungrateful youth'.

It pissed Kim off. What a hypocrite, she thought.

Kim turned around to confront her mother who was serving rice from a pot to her brother Taehyung, but what got to her most was her uncle sitting back on her father's chair with his feet resting on the table as he ate cereal.

"My daughter," her mother said, "I don't know what's gotten into you but-"

"Puberty," her Uncle Yoongi muttered with a mouthful of un-chewed food.

"Fuck you you bum!" Kim shouted back at him. Her mother's eyes became comically large and she could tell her mother was about to drop her pot and grab a slipper to pounce on her.

Before she could give her mother the opportunity, Kim hurried to the door and grabbed her shoes then ran off crying without closing the door behind her. She only heard her mother and brother calling for her but she kept on.

She felt ashamed she couldn't stop the tears from flowing. And decided she couldn't show her face at school in this state that it was best to skip. Kim found a neighborhood park and sat on an empty bench. 

Kim then texted her father:

Appa, I miss you sooo much. Pls pls pls come back home!!!

For a few minutes she stared at the phone. Wishing he would text right then and tell yes he'd be back by today. But she knew better, and cried into her palms as she thought of her hateful outburst in the morning and how her mother betrayed her father with such a man.

As she continued to cry she felt a soft cloth tap against the side of her face as if to wipe her tears. 

Startled she looked up and saw a smiling deliveryman holding a pink cloth napkin.

My Uncle Yoongi - House of Army FicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin