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Hello everyone. I've wanted to do this for quite sometime now. I do understand that some don't exactly see it. Which I get. I'm relatively a free shipper. This was a concept when I first started writing Akeno or Thunder Love and Priestess. This story will go into detail of how they first got together and will have special chapters in other stories. Including Koneko and Gasper working things out after the strip clubs! Oh boy!



It's not easy like people think it is. It's not quite difficult to find out I'm insecure about myself. I mean I'm a Vampire. You look at my eyes and teeth and most want to throw rocks, shove garlic in my mouth, and attack me.

I mean Rias my Master introduced everyone to me because I'm paranoid. I wished at the time I was sealed again. Mostly scared of Issei and Xenovia. I was a little scared at Koneko but over time she became someone special to me. That for another time. But I remember being questioned about my look and who I am. No one cared for me until Rias helped me. The seal was the best thing for me because of my powers. I used to think I was cursed. But with Rias showing that she cared and patience from Issei, Koneko, and the others it all worked out slowly. Though still not able to walk to class I feel good about myself. Something I haven't experienced in a long time.

It was a gradual step process. They say trust the process. Until they want results. Everyone has been so patient with me. I hope I'm able to see what happens as far as me going to school. I was afraid of people after the incidents when I was younger. I knew I was not going to be normal. I'm a Devil as well as a Vampire and I wear panties and a skirt. It's just who I am. And to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as she's happy.


I wouldn't think that I would have a boyfriend for sometime but it goes by who supports you and cares for you the most. In combat I know I'm on the front line. I completely understand. But when I kick back and have a snack who's going to be right next to me? Who's going to be there when I'm afraid to show my ears and my tail? And who's going to get us out of trouble because every day he's building control, stamina, confidence, and better about himself?

It's Gaspy. I never thought it would ever be okay as to where we are. Though it's good the way it is. He is slowly becoming manly. Don't let the skirt fool you. I quickly got passed that he is bi-sexual. The things we do outside of appeal you can't really tell he likes both much. Even I had his doubts. But I love him. And this is how I got to know Gaspy as my boyfriend with a bright future ahead. We have a long way to go too. It's an endless as he calls it process of work, terms, and making each other better. And truly I can't wait to begin the next chapter.


This chapter is the two talking very highly of each other. Their is going to be build up before the climax and I have plans for these two. If you have read My Pawn, Thunder Love and Priestess, and Love And Swing you will know what I'm talking about.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


NekoPire (Koneko X Gasper)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora