Ch 6 - Frisky

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Now I am pretty sure that you thought Gasper and Koneko did some things. Well considering that Koneko has a baby on the way at the end of Nova's story it happened somehow right? Feed the meter, jelly the donut, and everything else. Here we go.

Lemon Warning will be advised.



It was quite the step forward for Gasper once he was able to undress in of Koneko. Then it really made him more manly of what was about to happen next. It was ironic that a cat and a vampire would be good in water. Let alone showering and bathing together. He sat on the stool in front of the shower head. Getting his hair as Koneko hugged behind him. Just trying to think of the perky breasts in his back. Straight A's but the chest of his lover. In his mind his heart was about to explode from beating so fast.

"I feel your heart pounding in my ears baby calm down."

"Well- Your breasts..." He stuttered.

"Least you notice." She sighed.

"I did perky that can fill my heart. If I hold them and feel your entire heartbeat I would love it. Just don't know if we are there yet."

"You, have my permission to love me. I love you Gaspy. I know this is the first time we have showered together. Let's wash off and go from there. I want to at least get my hair first." The thing that was off to him is how she just stood over him while lathering her head was soothing yet made him sweat. Sweating in the shower if that. He stood up and hugged behind her. She felt his crotch collide with her rear.

"I love you."

"I love you more Gasper." He just stayed there. Isolated. Unable to move until she was done. Then looked over her shoulder. "Starring is a little awkward. But I guess you like what you see?"

"I'm not starring." He blushed. What a lie that was. The pink face on his pale skin. Watching his partner and soulmate do her thing.

Koneko looked over. Not being able to take it anymore. 'You're a bad liar." She kissed him and wrapped him around. "Do you have any idea what it's like for me? Cuddling together for warmth and comfort? Sleeping, eating, and even bathing together? You are what I needed and you've been ever so good to me."

Beside himself and mind clouded with overflowing lust he was giving in. "Show me how to love you."

"Kiss first."

Lemon Warning

Well this I've only thought about for a year or two. Here goes.

Koneko leaned forward ninety percent of the way as Gasper let his head let it ride. He kissed her and put his arms around to comfort her. Now her petite chest to slim figure.

"Koneko, your breasts." Gasper felt himself getting stimulated as her breasts felt hard.

She looked down. "You know I've been curious this whole time." She brought a hand to his rod. "So this is what my boyfriend has under his skirt. You know maybe we can do some spicy things."

Gasper saw his lover hold him right where she was in control. Now who's the scaredy cat? "Koneko..." He blushed.

"Yes?" She used the tip of his shaft to rub her clit to pleasure herself and make her moist. She moaned as Gasper grit his teeth.

"What's going on? Are you?"

"Love me." She inserted him in.

"It's- my first!"

"Mine too." She put all of him in and started rocking her hips.

"I'm not- So good."

"Baby you're amazing. Don't stop. It's so good."

"I can't cum. Please!"

Koneko had a feeling that this time around was going to be very quick. She put her hand back down and pushed him out. Just having the time to have him blast on her stomach. Gasper sat down when Koneko let go of him to wash herself again.

End Warning

It was meant to be quick.

Gasper looked over and went back to the showerhead with her. Sharing the water he just found out that his first time was standing up with a nekomata and in the shower. How many times is anyone going to say that? "Kitty?"


I can't believe I just did that. My first time I thought about sex in here. And even though I was scared and still am it helped him. What came over me? How does he feel? "Gaspy?"

"You think we reached that level?"

"I don't know. I've never been with everyone. But I love you. Can we both be at the point where we can freely be around? Have us walk in on each other? Swap panties?"


"Me and you. Lovers. We have our differences. But we can make each other better and will have the romance than anyone. I promise you. Please. What do you think?"

"I feel finally accepted. I don't know what you think of it but you I will give you my all. Satisfy you to know end. And protect you all as I can. No matter how much that means."


Panty swap? Oh boy that's going to be hilarious yet lewd yet disturbing. And just to think someone is going near that drain soon. What's next?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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