Ch 2 - Wellness

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Koneko is playing the waiting game. Although what happens when Lady Rias gets back? Will it ease the pain or make it complicated?



Koneko took a seat on the floor and just grabbed herself a snack while time slowly drifted by. She started to get bored until Rias summoned herself in front of the door.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"Gaspy is inside and everyone else went home. I'm waiting for him. He's scared about his ability and I think he just needs time. Just wish I could give him a hug."

"Myself too." Rias agreed. "You know the whole story?"

"Not exactly. Go on."

"Knowing Gasper's background I can't blame him. His father born a Vampire from a well known family while mother a human. Vampires are more concerned with pedigree then us Devils. Resulting even family members shunning him. Sadly, the human world he is treated like a freak. A complete monster. The power to stop time. Humans don't like the concept. He was feared. A person doesn't know what happens to them while frozen. Not that he would. We know he wouldn't hurt anyone good."

"I hate it. I hate these powers." Gasper cried behind the door. "I wish I didn't have this. If I could be like everyone else. Then they wouldn't be so scared of me. They wouldn't see me as a monster. My friends freeze right in front of my face and their is nothing I can do."

Rias sighed. "What kind of Master am I. Letting him suffer like this."

"I'm staying here. I said I'll wait for him. Not changing my mind now. I'll sleep her too. I don't care. He needs us. And don't be hard on yourself. We're all in this together. But here is where we must have everyone well. Thank care of Issei and the girls. I'm waiting for my friend."

Rias was surprised but agreed. "Good luck. I'll leave you to it."

"Thank you. Goodnight."

She teleported away to see what her other House members were doing. It was a huge smile to know Rias wanted to do everything she possibly could to tend Gasper. She was going to have anyone try anything. Rias thought she would take a back seat and have her Rook observe. That or try to check on him every hour between homework, a bath, a meal, and sleep. And for someone so busy already that would never do.

Gasper sobbed not knowing how truly he was cared for. After the abuse and his parents clearly not doing enough it's a no brainer that he was clueless. Alone but about to change swiftly. Thinking that he was going to stay there all night long. Thinking he would have got rid of her as time went on and on. Though Koneko was patient her homework was done and she needed to hop in the bath.

"Hey. Gaspy. You're the only one scared of your power."

"Huh..." He could barely be heard behind the door.

"I apologize that I was mean. It's just that, it was how I was brought up. I know being a Devil is not as easy as it looks. We all have a reason for being here."

"What do you mean?"

"Kiba almost died from a holy sword project. Asia was shunned by a church and killed by a Fallen Angel and brought back. Myself I would be dead without Rias. I was starving and hiding in a box. Even now sometimes I'm scared of my power. I have strength. I can punch concrete walls. It was hard adjusting to me using my powers and being around those I cared about. Even Issei is a little intimidated. He has a Dragon inside of him. One of the most powerful in the universe. He was talked down to several times. Issei at some moments thinks he's just a low rank Devil and a loser. But really in fact he's strong, powerful, and outside of being a pervert he's a nice guy." She sighed. "The girls are great too. Can't help but be jealous about them."

Gasper absorbed this information quickly. But he was surprised about that last comment. "Jealous? Why? What do you have to be jealous of?"

She shook her head. "Well Gasper since you wear the same clothes as me you should know."

"We wear the same size?"

"I believe so. Read between the lines. It's not like I can do anything to change it."

"The size of your uniform?"

"Well if I gave you a hug you would understand after Rias did. Kind of want to." Really bad in a sense.

"Do I have to go outside?"

"I'll meet you halfway."

Gasper got up and cleaned himself off. Any tears removed and took a breath. He opened the door to find her right in the doorway as he reached his arms out. "This half?"

"Close enough." She wrapped around him tightly. "Better?"

"Yeah. Much better."

"Do you get it now?" Koneko blushed.


"That's one of them. Yes."

"But you're beautiful. I guess I just don't get it."

Surprised. I've been called other things before but beautiful is a first. "I'm just insecure. We both are."

"I'm not insecure about my looks. I find these my comfy though. Especially the skirt and socks."

Panties too? Better not go there. "Comfort is all?"

"Well I... It's something I've never told anyone. It's another reason I have no communication with my parents."

Is it what I think it is? "Gaspy you can tell me anything."

"I'm, bi-sexual." He blushed.



"I said okay. Nothing wrong with it."

He smiled. "You really mean it?"

"Of course I do. Now please, let's get you something to eat before we say goodnight and rest before tomorrow. Sound good?"

He nodded. "Thanks Koneko."

"No problem. Let's go." She followed side by side next him. Not nervous at all. Nor scared as he thought before. If he can be comfortable with himself then maybe sometime I can be comfortable with who I am.


It's been talked about for a very brief amount of time about Gasper's preferences. Either way I've been connected a few times about not seeing these two together. I'm just building chemistry and trust. We will take this up one or two chapters near the end of Season 2 and the Neko arc in 3 and move onto my stuff similar to my other DxD stories. I'm ready to have a blast.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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