Rvb S3 E18 "Calm Before the Storm"

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Outside the Fortress
Simmons is sitting in the warthog, talking with the other reds.

Simmons: Okay, so let me get this straight... they were talking... to the bomb.

Leo: Were they talking to it as a... person?

Grif: Guys, I don't know. They mentioned something about candles and a bubble bath, and they were playing some kind of a New Age CD. It's like a Yanni fan club meeting.

Leo: Sounds very relaxing.

Sarge: That makes no sense at all. Did you wanna translate for us Pinky Pants?

Donut: My guess is that they're trying to get the bomb to do something for 'em.

Simmons: And all that sweet talk and candles will work on a bomb.

Donut: It would work on me!

Leo: Why are they even trying to convince a bomb? Its not even a person!

Grif: I don't understand it to man!

Sarge: Doncha see what they're tryin' to do?

Grif: No. Isn't that the point of this conversation?

Sarge: The Blues are obviously trying to coax the bomb into rearming. They're about to launch an attack. On us!

Grif: Why would they do that?

Sarge: Because they're Blues. Somebody get this kid the manual.

Simmons: Oh-ho, I hate the Blues.

Sarge: That's the spirit Simmons.

Leo: Wait? I thought we were cool with the blues now?

Sarge: Leo, I'm going to have to teach you the basics again.

Fortress Beach
To several Lopezes in formation.

O'Malley: Hoohoohoohohahaha. And now the hour is at hand. It is time, my robot minions.

Doc: He means robot miniones. Where's your cultural sensitivity?

O'Malley: Oh shut up. At last, we will seize our destiny!

Doc: Do we really have to seize destiny? Can't we just invite it to join our online circle of friends?

O'Malley: Quiet you fool. And quit sending me those invites. They're repulsive. Prepare for battle! We will break upon their fortress like an evil wind!

Doc: Oh.

O'Malley: Crushing our opponents with lightning speed! Attack!

Robot Army: Charge.

The Robot Army starts walking slowly forward.

O'Malley: You there, hurry along. And you in the back. You- Lopez, can't you speed them up?

Lopez: >This is their maximum velocity.<

O'Malley: This isn't what I asked for.

Lopez: >You said you wanted a day of victory. At this speed, they will win in exactly 24 hours.<

O'Malley: Heuh...

A Robot: Charge.

Inside the Fortress
Back with the Blues.

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