The break up pt 2

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"Melissa, I thought you weren't gonna be home until another hour," Blake shouted from the bed along with Andrea's disgusted face.

My eyes widened, and I started to feel tears roll down my face. I took a deep breath in and I said, "you dirty scum bag, I'm your wife! And Andrea? I can not be seeing this right! Blake, I would've never thought you would cheat on me! Andrea, we are friends, I always Bragg to you about how I love Blake so much, and you are sleeping with my husband?!? I can't believe my eyes!" I slammed my keys on the ground and started to ball my eyes out.

Yes, we had problems and I was thinking about a divorce, but to see someone else in your bed with your husband, is traumatizing.

"Mel, I'm so sorry, we haven't had sex in weeks, and it was a stupid mistake, sleeping with her!" Blake said with no sincerity in his eyes as he sipped his whiskey, that was sitting on his nightstand.

"Melissa, I'm sorry, I didn't want for you to find out that Blake and I are in love," Andrea said with full sincerity in her eyes.

No wonder, he hasn't said he loved me for so long. It's all adding up, how naive could I have been! My eyes squished together and I confidently yet harshly said, "in love?? Ok Blake, we are done. I'm filing for a divorce, I should've done it sooner. You know Blake. You know that my past boyfriend cheated on me for a full year. I don't even want to know how long you've been sleeping with Andrea."

Blake shrugged. He acted as if he didn't care. He didn't even deny being In love with Andrea. Blake changed and it's time for me to change too.

So I grab a suitcase and I start to pack all of my belongings. Blake and Andrea are watching, doing nothing, still in bed with their clothes on the ground. They aren't even sorrowful.
With the zipper half closed, I stormed out the apartment, not saying another word.

The cold truth is, I also felt like I was falling out of love with Blake. I wanted to fix things, but I just can't cope with someone I loved cheat on me, again. I can't go through this traumatizing feeling again. I have to file a divorce, and I think I was okay with the fact that I was getting a divorce. I'm just not okay with the fact he was cheating, and I walked in on it.

I think we both knew that this marriage wasn't going to last, it was bound to end quickly, it was hard for me to admit that before, but I'm certain I can admit it now. Since I will be seeing Eve on set for season 2, for 4 days, I have to avoid her. We start filming season 2 within the next 4 months. I was happy that filming was delayed for "production emergencies" what ever that means. I will only act with her and that's it. I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life, a Blakeless chapter, and I think I'm okay with that. I won't make the same mistakes again, I just won't.

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