Moving on

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Melissa's POV:
Chris and I kissed yesterday. I forgot how many kisses it was, because it felt like I was lost in this intense dream. I couldn't stop thinking about Chris and how his lips tasted. His lips tasted like freshly picked flowers, in early morning spring. I want more. I craved more of him. But aside from the thoughts of his delicious lips, I couldn't help but to think how everything is going to change after this. Will it be awkward today? What should I say to him? I really want to start up a relationship with him. Perhaps It was just a kiss, and he didn't want to start anything with me. Maybe he doesn't-
My thoughts were interrupted when the water in the shower was turning cold.

I arrive on set and head into hair and makeup. But as I was in hair and makeup, Lucas (my assistant), hands me my script for filming today. Yesterday we just finished filming 7 full episodes. At the top of the script packet it says: Medusa 2x08. I flip to the next page and I see in bold letters saying: Kara and Mon-El first kiss scene.

A first kiss?!? Chris and I literally had our first kiss yesterday, and we are kissing on screen today. I don't know if I should be elated or frightened, but I was feeling both. Okay, maybe more elated but I'm most definitely feeling like there is butterflies attacking my gut.

As I head out my trailer to walk to set, I see Chris ahead of me walking quick. I run up to him, and start walking quickly beside him and say,"hey, did you read in the script?"

Chris nods, not letting out a peep, not even looking me in the eyes.

To break the awkward silence there, I stupidly ask, "so what do you think about the kissing scene?"

Chris walking a tad bit quicker, but me catching up says, "yea, I'm ready." He had this hesitant tone, worrying me. A lot. Does he not want to kiss me? I need to know now or never.

"Do you even like me or want to kiss me again because if not then-" Chris cut me off, noticing I was starting to speak louder and more angry.

"What? Of course not. I want to kiss you, I really like you Melissa. It's just that I haven't kissed any one ever since Hanna. And I don't know it's kind of new to me, because I really like you," Chris says while he slows down from walking.

We both stop walking and I say, "of course it's okay, but you have to get over her and move on with your life. You can't be in a relationship with me-" what did I just say, relationship? He probably doesn't want to be in a relationship.
I then say, "I mean, if we ever get into a relationship with me or something, then you can't still be hesitant, you have to just move on and begin the next chapter in life."

"Thank you Mel, I think you're right. I should move on from my past. Start a new chapter in my life. And hey, I'm totally ready to be in a relationship. With you." Chris said moving closer to me.

"Really, with me?" I say bubbly.

"Yes with you. You're all I need right now." Chris says grabbing my hand, and lacing his fingers through mine.

"I feel the same way Chris. I don't know what it is about you," I say taking a step closer to him, still holding his warm fuzzy hands.

"I don't know what it is about you." Chris says smirking while looking deep into my eyes, he has wavy eyes mixed with a hint of grey.

"What are we saying? We haven't even had a first date yet, why are we saying this to eachother," I say releasing my fingers from him and placing them over my eyes with a humongous smile on my face.

"You do have a point, but when you feel something don't hold back. When you feel it, you feel it," he says with a nonchalant tone.

"We should go bowling, for our first date. Dinners for first dates are awkward and boring.  Bowling would be fun, and I know you love bowling." I say putting my hands in my back pocket, and biting my bottom lip.

"Well I am the bowling champion, so let's do tomorrow, since we have a day off," Chris says laughing.

"Okay cool, just text me your address later," I say a tad bit awkwardly.

After eventually filming the kiss scene, it was magical. It burned slowly through my lips and his lips tasted delicious yet again

"I can kiss you for hours." Chris says walking up from behind me.

"Me too, and I can't wait to see your bowling skills tonight," I say as he pulls me toward him, clenching my waists.

"Okay, I'm gonna head home now, I want to prepare myself for when I beat you!" I tease while he laughs.

"Okay, Mel, in your dreams," I release myself from him and head home.

This is going to be the best first date.

Sorry, I took long to update, I was
Feeling sick, and I just wasn't in
A writing mood. But I'm better now,
So I'll update as soon as I can :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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