The New Guy

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4 months later
It's been 4 months since I found Blake cheating on me with Andrea. But it's actually been 2 months since the divorce was final. Everyday the paparazzi has been on my ass about our divorce. Every where I go, I see paparazzi chasing me and taking pictures. I hate the paparazzi, they make me feel worse, but I know it will eventually stop.

Did I mention that Andrea used to be one of the stage managers, then she decided she wanted to audition for Eve, season 2, and well, she got the part. God knew I was going to get hurt.

I haven't talked to Blake for 2 months now. I'm fine with that, we all go through stuff and we cant just dwell on it for the rest of our lives, we have to move on.

Today is the first day back on set for season 2 and I think I'm ready. There will be a new love interest for my character! I'm ready to meet the actor who will be playing this Mon-El character, I thought as I was driving to set.

I arrive at set and I see Jeremy, Chy, Mehcad, and everyone else around the new actor, I'm guessing. Curiously, I quickly walk up to everyone and say, "hey what's up guys." I turn to see the new actor who was standing to the right of me. He was very handsome looking, in my opinion, and I think I've seen him on TV before. I then say, "oh and hi, I'm Melissa Benoist, I play Supergirl."

He shakes my hand and says,"nice to finally meet you, Melissa, I'm Chris Wood, and I can't wait to act with you!"

Chris' POV
Trying to wander my eyes around the the cast set that I just met, I'm searching for Supergirl. I then see her walking up to me, I'm guessing that's supergirl! From what I can see she has blonde hair, waterfall blue eyes, if that makes any sense, and she looks around the same age as me. She walks up to me and everyone else around me. She looks so beautiful, I know I shouldn't be saying this because she might have a boyfriend or something but wow.
She greets herself to me and I hesitantly shake her hand, feeling my hand tremble. I greeted my self as well and I can't believe I just said, can't wait to act with you. I'm too nervous Yet excited to work on this set.

After we all shook hands it was kind of awkward for a second until our director comes up to me and the whole cast and says,"hi Chris great to see you again, and ok you guys you need to rehearse your lines and get into hair and make up pronto!" The director passes out a packet with all of our lines in it and stage directions. Everyone then hurried off to their trailer, but I have no clue where mine is.

I slowly walk and as everyone is walking, Melissa turns around and glances at me. She begins to jog over to me and as she is jogging, her golden wavy locks of hair, cascade down her back, swiftly moving back and forth. I take a deep breath in as she slows down.

"Here, let me help you find your trailer, I think they forgot to show you where it is," Melissa says as she giggles.

"Okay, thank you, you are a lifesaver!" I say laughing a bit too hard, waving the 8 page packet of lines. We both start to walk and at first we walk fast then we both simultaneously slowed down, weird.

It's silent for a moment but then Melissa pushes a loose strain of hair to the back of her hair and says, "I felt like I've seen your face before, I can't put my finger on it."

I smile and let out a silent giggle, "I used to work on Cw shows. I worked on a show called "Containment" just last year, and I also worked on "The Vampire Diaries," I say proudly.

"Ohhhh yes! I felt like I recognized you before! But in a totally non creepy way though," Melissa said, letting out a cute snort as she was laughing, While I was slightly blushing, hoping she wouldn't notice. Why was I blushing? It's probably the first day jitters.

We make it to the front of my trailer which is conveniently besides Melissa's. "Thank you, I'll see you on set Melissa!" I said awkwardly.

She smirks and as she is about to walk into her trailer, she catches Chyler, at the corner of her eye. Melissa turns around and I see Chyler shake her head, looking angry for some reason. Melissa ignores her and walks into her trailer.

I want to get to know Melissa because she seems very polite and a funny person. I can drown in her electric blue eyes, and her laugh makes me want to laugh. I only been on set for 5 minutes and I already have a small crush. I just broke up with Hanna, not too long ago. She cheated on me, multiple times.

I stopped thinking about Hanna and As I was about to walk into my trailer, I got this superior feeling that working on the set of Supergirl will be marvelous.

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