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Chris' POV:
Yesterday, I saw that Melissa wasn't her usual self, she would usually laugh a lot and make jokes. But yesterday she was all sad and gloomy. Once I asked her what was wrong, she told me so much. She let me in on what was happening in her life. She told me she got a divorce with her ex husband, Blake Jenner. I actually never knew she had a husband nor that she got a divorce. I was very shocked. She had also told me that Blake cheated on her. That is horrible, I hate when people cheat on amazing people such as Melissa. I can relate because My previous ex girlfriend, Hanna cheated on me multiple times also, but I didn't want to tell Melissa that quite yet. I can kind of relate what she's going through, and it's just not okay, I need to support Melissa through this.

Anyways I heard Chyler earlier call everyone to near the lunch table. "Okay guys, we started filming this new season and we have a lot of new comers such as, Katie, Chris, and Andrea, so you guys need to know that we did a cast dinner last year and we are going to do it again. Everyone is welcome and we will be having dinner at Maria's Garden."

Immediately as Chyler mentioned Andrea's name, Melissa's eyes started watering. She wipes away the tears starting to rush into her eyes, before anybody would notice, but I already seen the mood change. 

Melissa's POV:
So we are having the back to set cast dinner, and since Andrea is apart of the cast she would be coming too. I'm not going to make any eye contact with her whatsoever. "Ok so that's all, and I hope to see you all at Maria's Garden at 9 pm." Chy said shouting.
Everyone walks away back to their trailer but I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and it's Chyler.

"Are you going to be okay at the dinner, with Andrea there," Chyler asks Placing her hand on my shoulder.

I hesitantly say, "I'll be fine, I still want to go. She can't ruin all the fun parts of my life."
Chyler gives me a big smile and begins to walk away, but I need to tell her about Chris! I felt something in my heart about Chris, I could trust him, and trust is not something I give away easily. My crush On him is turning into  massive one.

"Hey, Chy, wait up!" I say while jogging up to her. "So, yesterday, Chris and I talked for a really long time. I was feeling very sad about Andrea at set and I told Chris about my divorce. I feel like I can trust him, and I kind of have a crush on him too. Have you seen how charming and funny he is. He makes me feel very happy and every time I'm around him I smile a little too much," I say quietly yet a wide smile takes over my face.

Chyler's eyes widened and she began to scratch her head and say, "Mel, why would you do something like that? You just met the guy, a week ago and now you are telling him about your personal life. You told him about your divorce, and that's not a good idea." Chy said as we were both walking into her trailer.

"But Chy, there's something about him. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever we are around each other, and the butterflies won't go away. When I told him everything yesterday, he was so understanding and supportive," I say thinking about me and Chris' conversation yesterday.

Chyler takes a seat on her couch and I sit next to her, a worried look then is plastered on her face, "okay, Mel, I wanted to ignore this but I just can't because you're developing feelings for Chris. So, ummm Chris used to date a whole bunch of his co stars. I don't know his reasons but it's a lot. I guess, he's sort of a player. I hate using that word, but you know I love you, and I don't want to see you get hurt again. It's okay, to have these feelings but it's not safe to go any further than that."

I couldn't believe my ears. I should've known that Chris wasn't all that perfect. I don't want to be another one of his ex girlfriend costars, not me. I'm not going to get hurt again. Chyler had a point, these feelings shouldn't go any further than feelings.

He just seemed like such a fantastic person. But after learning this new information about Chris, I'm disappointed, I felt in my heart that Chris was different. Who knows Chris, has his reasons why he dates his costars but I don't want to know the reasons. I'm not going to be another ex, added to his list.

Another Try At Love {Melwood}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ