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Today Andrea will be coming on set for the first time. I'm not happy about this. Every time I would see her face, I'll just immediately think of Blake. Blake and Andrea are in love, I have to deal with that. God, I'm not ready to see her back stabbing face.

I arrived on set and I don't see Andrea anywhere. I walk straight to my trailer, hoping not to run into her. But as I was about to open the knob of my trailer door, I hear a voice yelling, "hey!" I slowly turn around, praying and hoping that wasn't Andrea. But I turn around and see Chyler running up to me. I sigh in relief. My boiling skin, filled with anger went down.

"Hey, Andrea is here, she is getting her lines from Kevin," Chyler said with a worried look on her face.

My eyes pop out my head and I'm thinking a million different things. Is she still dating Blake? Is Blake going to come on set to see her? Do I want to confront her? As all these thoughts come rushing to my head, Chyler gives me a hug.

"Mel, listen. You don't need to worry about Andrea or Blake. They are people who did you wrong, and you shouldn't have to worry or care about them. You shouldn't worry because you are done with Blake and Andrea," Chyler said. I love Chyler. She is my right hand. She helped me through my divorce, and she made me feel better about this whole situation. How did I get so lucky to have this amazing person in my life? But I'm just not feeling the advice today.

"Thanks Chy, you always make me feel better, but just seeing her face, I just don't feel right. I love you, but I got to go to hair and make up," I said depressingly to Chyler. Chyler Opened her mouth but I quickly slammed my trailer door.

I come out of hair and make up, with my eye lashes drenched in tears. Using my supergirl cape to wipe off any tears begging to pour out of my eyes. I see Chris walking out the trailer behind me, and I try to speed up but he catches up.

"Hey Melissa, are you okay?" He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

Knowing damn well that I am not okay, I say,"yes, I'm fine, don't worry." Chris didn't believe me but he stayed quiet the whole walk to set because he knew I didn't want to talk about anything. I wonder if he even knows about Me and Blake's divorce. I wonder if he even knew that the person he cheated on me with, was working right with us.

After we make it to set, I see Andrea looking straight into my eyes. Her eyes were pouring as I came closer to her. Meanwhile, Chris is looking back and forth at Andrea and I, very confused, meaning he probably didn't know about any of this drama. 

"I'm fine Chris, I'll catch up to you later," I say making no eye contact with him whatsoever.

Andrea runs up to me and says,"listen, Mel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out like this. Me and Blake are genuinely in love. My intentions were never meant to hurt you."

I felt my skin seathing with anger. I guarantee that if we weren't going to act together, she wouldn't have apologized to me. "So you are still seeing him. Look, you're not going to be here for long, I saw on your Twitter that you are moving to Los Angeles, after filming scenes for season 2. So I only have to talk to you, I'm only going to act," I said trying my best to stay calm and not burst into tears of frustration and anger. Andrea wanted to say something else but didn't.

After Filming
Filming took a couple of tries because I couldn't get the line right when I had to shoot with Andrea. My mind would go elsewhere. But who cares, I got the scene over with.

As I'm walking to my trailer, to take off my Kara Danvers outfit, I start balling my eyes out. I can't work with her. Tears start pouring out of my eyes and I'm sniffing in the snot that's coming out my nose. All of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turn around, and I see it's Chris. We both stop in front of my trailer door.

"Hey, Mel, are you okay. You seemed very gloomy and sad, the whole day. I don't want to pry, but I just hate seeing a person so upset."

I can't believe how sweet he was. For some reason, the pain and anger was being blocked by this sweet feeling in my heart. I feel like I can trust him for some reason. I reply saying, "I'm going through some stuff at the moment and I guess it's showing."

Chris' glacier blue eyes, began to water. Why. His sharp, ice cold eyes were looking into mine. He was just looking straight into my eyes, with such a sincere and concerned look on his face, while I was wiping away my tears. But as I was wiping away my tears, I felt Chris' warm hand touch my hand. I stopped wiping, and I look up at Chris. He looked down at his fingers touching mine and he looked straight into my eye with certainty. I slowly let a grin out, not pushing away his hand, but gripping it into my fingers, feeling an electric like connection.

"Hey, you want to talk?" I ask Chris quietly, still gripping onto his fingers and hand.

Chris released his fingers from my fingers, and put his left hand on my shoulder, "Only if you want to." I nodded my head yes, and he proceeded to open my trailer door for me.

We sat on our own seats and talked for an hour yet again, about my divorce. About how Blake cheated on me. About how I feel about the paparazzi, about everything that went wrong.
He comforted me the whole time, and gave me advice that made me genuinely feel better about this situation.

Maybe Chris is truly charming and sweet, and isn't a devil of a guy.

Another Try At Love {Melwood}Where stories live. Discover now