Cast Dinner

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As I was driving to Maria's Garden, after coming home to dress up for the cast dinner, all I could think about was Chris. I saw on Buzzfeed that he and his ex girlfriend Hanna, I believe is her name, broke up not too long ago. Should I confront Chris about this? Should I leave it alone? Should I stay away from him, even though it felt like he was the sweetest and funniest guy on the planet?

I made it to Maria's Garden and the waiter directs us to our table. I sit down next to Jeremy, which was the furthest seat away from Andrea. All of a sudden I see Chris walk up to me and sit in the seat next to me.

"Hey, Mel," Chris says as he takes off his black coat.

I plaster a fake smile on my face and say, "oh hey Chris, you ready for your first dinner. Their is usually a lot of laughter involved." I tried to hold the smile.

"Oh really, then yes I'm ready. And um Mel, can I talk to you for a sec," Chris says touching my arm.

Why does he want to talk to me. And what about. I nod and we start to walk but Katie shouts,"hey, where are you guys going?"

I turn around and shout back, pretty sure people staring,"we will be just a moment!" Chris opens the door from where we first entered from and we step out into the parking lot.

"Hey, so I was wondering how you were holding up, you know with Andrea, I know it must be hard for-" I cut off Chris.

As soon as he started to talk, I began to feel rage travel around my Brain. I felt as if steam was coming out of my ears. Who was he to ask about Andrea, he doesn't even understand what I'm going through. To think, that I actually trusted his play boy self.

"You know what Chris, I don't need to talk about my personal business with you anymore. It has nothing to do with you, so why even bother. Just go date some other co star and leave me alone Chris. And you don't understand how it feels to be cheated on, so please just stay away!" I angrily say, not even caring what exactly I said to him.

Chris' POV:
Where did that come from? Why is Melissa so angry right now. Melissa doesn't want me to talk about her business with her anymore. She knows I dated some of my costars. But she doesn't know that, all my ex girlfriends, asked out me, before Hanna. I never dated them for too long because I knew that they weren't the one for me. And Hanna cheated on me, so I do understand.

I quickly follow Melissa inside the restaurant, and during the whole dinner, Melissa didn't look at me not even once. I never meant to hurt her in any way.

During the whole dinner, I didn't talk much, all I could think about was how angry Mel was. I need to fix this. I just hope we fix things by next week, because we are going to have to start acting a lot together and shoot a lot of scenes.

I was kind of having writers block on this chapter, so it may not be amazing. But I have something pleasant planned for the next chapter!

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