First Day

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After I got done with hair and make up, I had no lines for today. All I had to do was put on a red shirt, and sit in this metal "pod." But the director wanted me to stay the full day, "so I can have a feel of the set environment."

After Filming The Scene
We just finished filming the scene and I kept making Melissa laugh. Every time she would open the top of the pod, I'll always say peek a boo. I kept on saying that even though Mel would say to stop. But our director was getting mad at us, so I eventually had to stop.

"Stop making me laugh, Chris!" Melissa said as she was walking up to me. Melissa grabbed an apple and sat next to me in her chair.

"Sorry, it was just too easy," I said giggling.
"So what are you gonna do during the hour break," I ask looking straight at the floor.

Melissa turned her head facing me, "I don't know, just chillax, not getting up from this chair." Melissa said with a smirk.

"Well may I join you on that, Ms.Lazy-Benoist!" I say trying to make a cute laugh come out her mouth.

Melissa nods her head repeatedly, "sure why not!" Melissa picked up her apple and said,"Ok so what do you like to do in your free time?"

I blush and smirk and say,"I like to go outside a lot, especially with my dog, Drift. I also like to sing, acting of course, have fun with family and friends."

Melissa eyes glowed up as if she just saw heaven. She then says,"Omg, wow, I actually love to do all those things! I love to sing! And I love to play with my dog Farley! And I also love hiking and traveling."

My crush grew bigger, there's something special about Melissa. We have so much in common, she's adorable, and I have this feeling in me, that makes me a happier person when I'm with her. I know it's early to develop these types of feelings, but this time spending with Melissa, just feels right. As my cheeks were slowly turning red I say, "our dogs should totally have a play date!

After that, first conversation, we had another conversation about our lives and what we have in common. After that conversation we had a whole lotta other conversations. We talked and talked all the way until our director started to yell at Melissa to get up from her chair and go to hair and make up. We really hit it off!

Melissa's POV
After we shot a couple of scenes I saw that Chris was alone, not talking to anybody. So I decided to talk to him and comfort him, on his first day on set. We talked for a straight hour about our lives. We actually have so much in common! We both love to sing, act, travel, both love our dogs, etc.

And the way we just got along so well, was just breath taking. I've never gotten along so well with somebody that quick in my whole life. Chris is very funny and charming. Could it be, that I have a small crush on Chris? No way, it's too early.

I thought long and hard about that question as I walked to my trailer for hair and makeup. I don't want to be hurt again, I just don't. I can't. It's too early to tell if Chris is different from other men. Why am I thinking about this? Why do I have a crush on him? He doesn't even like me. I don't know a lot about him. He is charming and sweet but underneath he could be a devil of a guy, just like Blake.

Immediately as I thought of Blake, my crush on Chris was slowly fading. A sweet and charming boy, like Blake, ended up to be a total douche bag and an unfaithful man. Could Chris be like him too? As I walked into my trailer, I got this feeling that working on set is going to be a rollercoaster filled with emotions.

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