The final reveal

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//Adrien's POV//
I was in the ambulance with her, she wasn't dead yet they said. But they said it wasn't good. I blinked tears outta my eyes and tried to remember this morning.

She walked on the isle and she was beautiful. Her wedding dress was big and beautiful. It was so white and it was just picturesque. I wanted to have her then and there. The wedding had been so emotional and loving all until the end.

Now... now I was looking at a bloodstained bride. Her heart beating faintly, people working frantically to stop the bleeding from her stomach.

I held her hand, which was way colder than it was supposed to be. I couldn't stop crying, it was such a mess. But I had reason, it felt like the happiness I just felt was ripped away. Completely ripped away from me.

I kissed her hand, hoping beyond hope she could feel me here.

" Marinette, I know your there. I'm here.. I'm here, please come through. After everything we've been through. You don't get to leave me now, not when we're finally a family."
My voice cracked and I couldn't do it anymore. If she died today I couldn't make it through anymore.

When we arrived at the hospital I rushed in with her.

We were rushed into a room straight away and it was terrible people all around were staring at us. People In hospital beds and nurses, I felt raw and exposed to everything.

My life was finally going good, everything was great. First the near miscarriage, then her giving birth. The building collapse and thinking she was dead. Then now this, I didn't think I could handle anymore. If she died, I knew a huge piece of me would die too.

" She's a bride... that's the worst thing I've ever seen."
" God look at her husband, he's a wreck. I know I would be."
" Just married and now, to have this ripped away from them."
" Her dress must have been stunning, now it's all gone."
" A bride on her wedding night... now sad."

The whispers were terrible I just walked over and looked at her face. It was unharmed but way paler than it should have been. I sat next to her as they frantically worked.

An hour later everyone else showed up, looking as if they had it no better. Felix was crying aloud for his mummy.

I grabbed him and tried to calm him down which helped a little. But I heard the whispers start again.

" Oh god... she's a new mother too. Look at the precious thing."
" No... I... my god."
" Good Lord, has humanity left us today."
" She needs to pull through, for everything."
" To be a single father so early and so young."

I blocked them out, I have him to Sabine to change his diaper. I turned to Nino and started crying into his shoulder.

" Nino, the world has been cruel to me. If I loose her. I need you to help me, because I can't do it on my own."
He nodded and held onto me.

My head shot up and I grabbed her hand and held onto it. They grabbed the paddles and ripped her dress open. They shocked her, again and again. No heartbeat, no nothing. The room was silent. I fell to the floor, my blood ringing in my ears.

" No... NO.... NO NO NO! MARINETTE!!"
I fell to the floor, my tears were gone. I had cried myself out. I sat on the floor holding her cold hand.

The room was filled with deafening silence for about 30 seconds before a piercing wail was heard.(Clever Reference to earlier of you catch it)!

Felix cried and wailed for his mom. Then he stopped crying and said so silently I almost couldn't believe it.

" Mommy?"

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