The First Time We Met

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Joji's P. O. V

I was on set for a friend's music video and there were girls everywhere. It was kind of insane. You know, women in America are fucking gorgeous but there was only one girl that caught my attention. She was the only girl here that was dressed. I know that sounds weird, let me explain.

Showing up to this set, we knew it would be a pool party type of vibe. Guys were in their swim shorts and tank tops and girls were in their tiny, very tiny bikinis. Not a single girl was covered, except her. Now, I'm not saying this girl was in an oversized sweater and sweats kind of covered but she was more covered than all of the girls here put together. She wore black jeans and a plain white shirt tucked into them with yellow vans. See, she wasn't too covered but she wasn't exactly out there either.

This girl also had a different vibe to her. She was social but also kept to herself. Guys would talk to her, then leave, then she'd get herself another drink. She would dance by herself but nothing wild. She was subtle. Was I watching her the whole time like a crazy stalker? Yeah, maybe.

It wasn't until later I finally mustered up the courage to go talk to her. " Hey." I said as I stood next to her and she smiled warmly. " Hi." Cameras were rolling but we were out of the shot so I held my hand out for her to shake and she took it laughing lightly. " I'm George." God, I sound like a fucking idiot. " I'm Bronteé." We both sip our drinks and I try to figure out what to say next. " So what brings you here?" I ask and she lets out a small sigh. " A friend of a friend invited my friend who dragged me along." She says and points her out. Her friend, one of the girls wearing a very tiny bikini. " What about you?"

" It's my friend's music video which means free booze." I say and she laughs a little. " How do you guys know each other?" She started asking questions so at least she's interested in holding a conversation. " I've collaborated with him. I actually produced the beat of this song."

" Wow, very nice." She said in an impressed tone and then a guy walked over to us and squeezed her arm before kissing her cheek. " Hey B, glad I found you." She looked at me as if I should help her but I decided that was my cue to leave and so I did.

Bronteé's P. O. V

Lily had dragged me to this video shoot which is cool except if you're me. Paranoid all the time with hella anxiety. I haven't left my house in a long time and now that I'm out, I'm afraid of running into a certain someone.

Guys would come and talk to me asking if I'd want some Molly but I'd politely decline and then this boy with messy black hair that swooped over his eyes that he'd push back so often, came up to me with a red cup in his hand. " Hey." was all he said as he stood next to me so I smiled and said " Hi."

He was very cute, and I haven't thought of a boy in that way for awhile now. " I'm George." He introduced himself, his voice was soft but not in a un-masculine type of way. It was just nice to hear. " I'm Bronteé." We got to talking until an all too familiar hand squeezed my arm. I looked up to see Cody lean down to kiss my cheek. I look to George hoping he'd say something but he just smiled awkwardly, sipped his cup and gave me a small wave goodbye.

" Bronteé can we talk?" Cody whispered and I wanted to say no but I was frozen. He took my hand and led me out front to his car. " Bronteé, I know I messed up and I know I've hurt you but I'm Really sorry. I swear I didn't mean to. I started going to anger management classes and therapy. B, I'm really sorry and I miss you." And just like that, I looked into his eyes and forgot all the bad things he's ever done to me.

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