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Joji's P. O. V

I was still calling Bronteé every day but now the messages would go to voicemail. I was too scared to go see her in person, I just didn't want to upset her even more and I knew she wouldn't give me the chance to explain myself. I know I can just text her a whole ass novel explaining myself but I didn't want this to be fixed over the phone. I just needed her to miss me as much as I missed her or at least get a response.

I've been taking the pills that the doctor prescribed me but honestly I feel the same. I sleep a little more but it's hard because I dream of her. I'm constantly thinking about her but I know I can't go back to her. She won't take me back and knowing that kills me.

I finished the album and it'll be released soon, when I'm on tour which also starts in two days. I have nothing else to obsess over but her and it's too late for that now. August was in here sitting with me in the studio room. He was listening over the tracks and Pills came on and I felt empty as I sang along.

" Where'd you go?

I thought we'd last forever

Where'd I go?

I was sinking through the leather

I need you back

I need you back (yeah, yeah, yeah)

I need you, bad

I need you back

So I'll fly away

Zoloft, Xanax

Zoloft, Xanax

Please don't run away

Please don't run away

(Fly, I'll fly away, away, away)

Please don't run away

Please don't run away

(Please don't run away)

I don't know why

I don't know why I feel this way

I feel the same

I don't know why

I don't know why I feel the same

I need you back

I need you back

I need you bad

I need you back (yeah, yeah, yeah)

Where'd you go?" Tears were streaming down my face by this time but it didn't feel like I was crying. " You should go talk to her." August said as he paused the track and I shook my head. " Nah man, she won't take me back. It's too late."

" How about instead of worrying about her taking you back, you actually apologize and mean it?" He said standing up and started walking towards the door. " Because it wasn't my fault! I didn't want to kiss Niki, I don't like her in that way. She fucking kissed me because she said she still has feelings for me. She walked into the room while I was working and fucking kissed me. B just walked in when she did. I don't blame her for being pissed but I'm fucking sick of everyone making it my fault when all I did was fucking sit there!" He walked back and sat down. " Maybe that's the problem because you're still sitting there." I stared at my phone and decided I'd send her another picture but it was more of this boomerang thing on instagram.

Bronteé's P. O. V

I recieved a notification on instagram and it was George. It was a boomerang basically telling me to call him. I stared at it and replayed it and finally I just decided to block him. It felt weird doing so, like everything came crashing down all over again. Everything became real, this was really done.  I then proceeded to block his number, this was definitely it.

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