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Joji's P. O. V

I sat in my studio room when Niki walked in. " Hey." I said acknowledging her and she grabbed another rolling chair and rolled my way. " What're you doing?" She asked and I pointed to the screen because it was obvious. " Trying to make a new beat, but I'm not sure what's gonna go over it yet." I didn't take my eyes off the screen, but I heard her chair roll closer. " Joji?"

" Hmm?" I dragged a beat and made it loop, still I didn't take my eyes off the screen. " Joji." She said more sternly making me look at her and I instantly regretted it. It was something that couldn't be taken back. It completely ruined my life and what I had going on.

Bronteé's P. O. V

I was relieved from my shift early so I decided I'd go visit Joji at the studio. I had to go home to shower and get his medication because he had told me he was gonna stay the night there since they're planning the tour. He'll be leaving in three weeks so they're going over everything. I also brought August a bag of fries and a pie for Brian.

After going home and showering and grabbing his medication, I decided I'd get us some sushi. I was so happy I was able to leave early, it was crowded today and my feet were tired from running back and forth and standing all day. I just wanted to see Joji before I went home and completely crash on the bed.

I pulled up to the studio and August was standing outside on the phone. I parked the car and waved at him. I grabbed the food and my purse and got out. " I'm sorry can you give me a sec?" He said to whoever he was talking on the phone and then opened his arms wide. " My girl B!" He said and pulled me in for a hug. " I brought you a full bag of fries." I said smiling and once he let me go, I pulled it out of the restaurant bag. " Oh hell yeah!" I handed them to him and he opened them up and smelled them. " Thanks B!" He hugged me once more and I walked in.

I went to Brian's room first to give him his pie. When I walked in he was recording so I kept quiet and waited. He finally noticed me and took his headphones off. " What's up B?" He asked and I held the bag up. " I brought pie." His eyes lit up and he ran over. " Oh shit, thanks!" He hugged me and took the bag.  " Joji's here right?" I asked and he nodded. I waved and walked out.

As I walked down the hall, I began to feel weird. I was a little nervous but I wasn't sure why. I had a weird feeling when I got to the door and part of me didn't want to open the door. I should've listened to my gut. What I saw broke me.

I opened the door and it's as if everything was happening in slow motion. When the door opened, I saw Joji and Niki kissing. I didn't know how to feel, part of me was surprised but the other part saw it coming. I let out a wry laugh and they both pulled away. " Br-"

" Don't." I said as I walked over the the table and set down the sushi. " I don't wanna hear it." He stood up and started walking towards me. " Don't even come near me." I said holding out my hand for him to stop. I looked over at her and she just stared at the floor while wiping her lips with her thumb. " So much for behaving yourself huh?" I said looking back at Joji and crossing my arms. I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes. " I'm done." I said and looked in my purse. " And you..." I said walking towards her. " You think you can handle him? Fine." I took out his medication and threw them at her. " Handle him then. He's yours. Just remember, how you take them is how you lose them." I said and proceeded to walk out. " Bronteé." He grabbed my wrist but I yanked it back. " I don't want you. Looks to me, you don't seem to want me either."

I stormed out and by this time, tears we running down my cheeks. August was in the lobby area eating his fries and he stood up quickly when he saw the state I was in. " B?" He stood in my way so I wouldn't leave and hugged me tightly. " Take care of him okay? Make sure he takes his medication." I heard Joji scream and then a couple of things crash to the floor and then I heard him start to scream in Japanese then I heard her start to scream back. " What did he do?" He asked pulling away from the hug and I just looked at him. " He didn't? He wouldn't do that to you."

" Just take care of him please. Or at least make sure she does." He squeezed my arms and I walked out of the door. Once I got in the car, I didn't hesitate to leave. I wanted out of there, but when I started driving, tears began to pour. It got so bad, I had to pull into a parking lot because I couldn't see past the tears.

I cried and cried until I completely felt numb. I didn't think he'd be the one to do this to me. I didn't see him as the type of person to do this. I had to go home- no. I had to go to his house to get all of my stuff out. I was fully out, there was no way we could come back from this. I just wanted out of everything, especially my own skin.

I got into the house and hurried to gather my things and I thought the tears were done but I was wrong. Grabbing my things and putting them in a trash bag once again. " Bronteé?!" My heart sank even farther into the pit of my stomach as I heard his voice. " Bronteé." My hands were shaky, but I didn't stop collecting my things. " Please, stop." He reached out to me but I moved out of the way. " No! You stop!" I looked at him and tears were also streaming down his face, but his face was blank, almost emotionless. " Will you just listen to me?"

" No George, I will not listen to you or any of your bullshit excuses! I'm done, we're done. This explains a lot y'know. Why I never saw you. Why we never talked. Well she can have you."

" I don't want her! And what are you even talking about?! This just happened-" I scoffed and push past him. " Just throw out whatever you find that's mine. I'll just buy whatever is missing." I tied the bag and walked out of the house, where he followed. " Don't do this."

" Don't do this?! You gotta be fucking kidding me! You did this George, you! Now you have to live with it." I threw the bag into my trunk and slammed it shut. " Good luck with everything, I wish you the very best. Take care." I said and got into my car, but he stopped me from closing the door. " Daylily." He looked deep into my eyes and I shook my head. " No, I'm afraid our sun has set and those lilies are dead. Fuck off." I yanked my car door and slammed it shut.

Joji's P. O. V

" You're supposed to forgive me when I say daylily!" I screamed as she sped off. I went into the house to cry, but I went to the kitchen to finish the bottle of Jamenson. Niki fucked this all up, I already yelled at her for it and all she said was B didn't deserve me and she just couldn't help herself and all that bullshit about how we're supposed to be together. That fucking bitch I swear and not to mention August. He was pissed and wouldn't let me leave.

" What the fuck George?! And you Niki?! That's supposed to be your homegirl and you fucking do this shit to her?! Man, fuck y'all." He didn't even want to hear what I was going to say. I literally had to fight him to leave. I was gonna throw a punch but just decided I'd push past him until he let me through.

I walked to the room and stared at the closet. Her sweaters were gone, the drawers on her side were open and empty. My sweater that she used to sleep in laid on the bed. I sat down and held it to my nose, it smelled like her. Tears ran down my face as I chugged the bottle of Jamenson and then I threw it at the wall making it shatter. I was done for.

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