Dancing with the Devil

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Bronteé's P. O. V

I was having dinner with Anisa and Ian. Max was on some new quest and Chad... Well, no one knew where or what the hell Chad was up to. Joji of course was at the studio so when I was alone, I spent my time with Ian and Anisa or with Lily. It wasn't until I got a notification from instagram showing Joji's account. I opened the app and saw that he posted on his story of him drinking and obviously out having a good time. I sighed and then a message came in.

Hey B! It's Niki, if you're free tomorrow lets have a spa day!

I groaned at the text and Anisa walked over to me. " What's going on?"

" There's this girl Joji slept with before we were together and she's also in the same label with him and she wants to be friends which is fine but she wants to have a spa day tomorrow." Anisa looked at me wide eyes and scooted closer. " You better be careful with that." She said and I nodded. " She's a sweet girl and I know I have to keep my eye on her but I think she's cool. I don't think she'll do anything." Anisa sipped her cocoa and shrugged. " It's just kinda exhausting being around her because she's always cheerful and she talks a lot and I just sit there and nod because there's nothing interesting going on in my life to talk about and I can't exactly confide in her."

" You don't exactly have to go." I nodded and took a sip of my cocoa. " I know but I do it for Joji, anyway she's not all that bad." We all watched a movie before I started yawning. I gathered my things and sighed. " I'm gonna head home guys." They nodded and I gave them quick hugs.

Since Joji went out tonight instead of coming to dinner, I'd decided I would drink by myself tonight. I got home and changed in Joji's Harvard sweater and went to the kitchen to grab the bottle of Jack and went back to the room. I was watching Rick and Morty and cuddled a pillow as I took sips from the bottle. I didn't want a chaser tonight so I let the bitter taste flow down my throat.

After a couple of hours of a Rick and Morty marathon, Joji came tumbling in through the door. " Honey, I'm home." Saying in a drunken sing song voice. He came into the room and plopped down on the bed, next to me. I didn't say a word, I didn't want to. " Ooo, saved some for me?" He reached for the bottle that was in my hand but I tugged it away from him not taking my eyes off of the television. " You're not being nice." He says but still I ignored him. Maybe I wouldn't have ignored him if I didn't have alcohol in my system mixed with anger. " So you're just gonna finish that whole bottle without me?" He asked and I put the bottle to my lips and downed the rest of it, still not taking my eyes of the TV. " What the fuck is up B?"

" What?" I said and tossed the bottle to the floor and thank god it didn't break. " Why are you acting like this?" He said sitting up and I rolled my eyes. " Because you said you couldn't go to the dinner today because you were busy, leaving me to go by myself, which I didn't mind until I see you post on instagram at a club, drinking and having the time of your life. Which would have also been fine IF YOU HADN'T LIED ABOUT BEING BUSY TO GET OUT OF DINNER WITH YOUR FRIENDS!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and I watched him coward. " I'm sorry, I was busy but the boys wanted a break and they decided to go to the club." I pulled the blanket over me and hugged the pillow to my chest. " Makes me wonder if you're ever busy at all." I said quietly and he moves closer to me. " I'm sorry." He tried to pull the pillow away from me but I gripped onto it tighter. He then tries to kiss me but I turn my head. " Bronteé." He groans and I lay down. " I'm going to sleep." I say and turn over to my side. " Fine, angry or not I'm still gonna cuddle you." With that he threw his arms around me and held onto me tightly as I tried to squirm my way out. " Please just sleep." He whispered and I gave in and just held onto his arm and sinking in to his body.

I woke up in the morning with a hangover and Joji was still asleep and snoring. I lifted up his lifeless arm off of me and threw it over to his side. " Where are you going?" He asked groggily and I got up off the bed. " I'm going out with Niki today." I went to the bathroom and started the shower and Joji followed. " Here." I gave him his medication and he took them and smiled at me. " No, I'm still mad at you. Sober, but still mad." His shoulders slumped and he walked out of the bathroom with his head low allowing me to shower by myself.

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