Coney Island

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Bronteé's P. O. V

I went to go pick up my nephew at my brother's house for his birthday. " Is Matt coming?" I asked and Nathan shook his head. " He actually had a skate camp kinda thing today." I nodded and Andrew came running. " Auntie!" He hugged my tightly and I picked him up. " Hey booger, you're getting too old to pick up." I said as I was struggling to carry him. " You ready to go?" He nodded excitedly and we both said goodbye to Nathan.

Driving home, Andrew caught me up with everything that was going on in his life from school, to his friends, Matthew, his new dog. It was cute, he was very excited about today. It was also really early in the morning because I wanted to spend the whole day with him.

When we got to my house, I had set some things down and led him to the couch where I had left his birthday present. " Is that for me?!" I nodded and he rushed over to the wrapped box. He unwrapped it crazily making me laugh and he looked into the box seeing clothes. I knew he wouldn't be excited about that and that's exactly why I put it on top. " Thanks Auntie." He said unenthusiastically and I rolled my eyes. " Pull them out." He pulled the clothes out one by one and then his eyes went wide. " Is that a giant dinosaur?!" He asked and I nodded. " You didn't think that big box was full of clothes did you?" I asked and he laughed and pulled it out. " Whoa, it says it's remote controlled and it roars!" I smiled as he examined the box more. " Thanks Auntie!" He ran over to hug me.

" Uh, who's that?" He pointed down the hallway where Joji stood. " Oh, I didn't know you were here." I said and smiled. " That's my boyfriend. His name is George but you can call him Joji." Joji walked over to us and smiled. " I'm Andrew." He said looking up at him and Joji laughed nervously. " Hi Andrew, happy early birthday."

" Thanks! Wanna see what she got me?" Andrew was always very outgoing and he made friends fast. He was always comfortable no matter where he was. " Sure." Joji pushed back his hair that fell in front of his eyes and sat on the couch with Andrew. " First, I just saw clothes but then she told me to take them out and then I saw this huge T-rex! It's remote controlled and it roars!" Joji laughed at his excitement and looked at me. " You got him a pretty cool gift."

" Because I'm the best Aunt ever." I said and Andrew laughed. " Are you gonna come with us Uncle George?" As soon as he said uncle, my heart fell into my stomach and Joji looked at me unsure what to say and obviously uncomfortable. " Uh..." I interrupted him quickly. " Honey, me and George aren't married. He's just my boyfriend so, he's not your uncle." They both looked at me, one happy and the other terrified. " I know that but he's like my for now uncle. I never get to see Uncle Brandon so George is my for now uncle until you guys get married." Oh lord, kids and their imaginations. " I like that." Joji said smiling and I looked at him confused. " Huh?" I said and he chuckled. " Yeah, call me Uncle George. I've never had a nephew before and I kinda like the way that sounds." Andrew smiled wide and I sighed. " Also, I'd love to go if you want me to." Andrew nodded at Joji and he stood up. " Alright well I'll go throw some shoes on."

Joji's P. O. V

I went to the room and Bronteé came in soon after. " I'm so sorry about that." She apologized and I shook my head. " Don't worry about it. He has a point, maybe one day I will be Uncle George." I say and she looked at the ground. I mean when he did say it at first it did scare me. He kinda just sprung it on with no warning but then again he is a kid and he seems like a lot of fun. I usually don't like kids but I guess because he's related to her it helps. Also when he was saying it, it's as if I saw a glimpse of a future I want to have. I slipped on my shoes and stood up. " B, it really is fine." She smiled a little and I cupped her face gently and kissed her. " Now lets go make this his best birthday yet." She nodded and we both walked out

" Lets go have some fun." I said and Andrew jumped off the couch. " Some breakfast first to start off this magical day." B said ruffling Andrews curly hair. When we got into the car, Bronteé had asked Andrew what music he wanted to listen to. " Can you play Cuco? But his Spanish songs, I like those ones. Matt showed them to me." I looked over at Bronteé who searched through her phone so I asked Andrew. " Who's Matt?"

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