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Joji's P. O. V

I was in the studio and I could hear everyone fucking around out there but I had my door closed which usually meant do not disturb. That was until Niki came in. " Joji, I need your opinion." I stopped playing my music and looked at her and she pressed play. " Wait, that's not you." She paused it and shook her head. " When me and B went to the spa, she helped me out with some lyrics and that's her singing. I'm gonna take it out and sing it myself but I don't know where to place it first." I nodded and took a listen again. I couldn't concentrate on the words she was saying because her voice sounded beautiful. It was soft yet loud but it was so sweet and smooth. Niki replayed it for me multiple times until I could finally make out the words.

" Wide awake at 2 A.M

Think I'm losing who I am

Why you keep on choosing them

When all I'm tryna do is make sure you got a nice bed and welcoming arms to come home to

But time and time and time again

You're only here every now and then

When's it gonna end?

People say I'm all the kinds of crazy 'cause I'm crazy for you

They say, "How you love a ghost you can't touch?"

They ain't wrong but, I just love you too much." My heart sank to my stomach and chills ran down my spine listening to what she was saying. Knowing it was about me on a song that wasn't even hers. I kept listening to the recording and Niki sang again and then it went back to Bronteé.

" You're so talented in not comin' home

But if it ain't you, I'd rather be alone

SOS situation

Can't say no to temptation." We went through the recordings a few more time until we could come up with an order and then I just looked at her. " Did she say anything to you about me?" I asked and she shook her head. " She misses you." She said and I nodded and she thanked me and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

" What am I doing to her?" I asked myself and I played the loop over again. I'm finally becoming who I want to be, at least I think so. I'm doing what I want, I have someone to love, but am I doing things the right way? This is not how I imagined things. I don't think it's supposed to be like this. What's the point of all these opportunities if I can't have her around?

" I see nothing out the window, window

Nothing out the window

Watching all the leaves grow, leaves grow

Feels better in my dreams though, dreams though."

Bronteé's P. O. V

I had a shift at the diner today and I just really wanted to be in bed. I did my rounds and took care of customers and then Jeremy walked in. He was too pretty to be with anyone. Too pretty to be with me for sure. He wasn't my type at all but he was handsome. " Hello Jeremy." I said as I grabbed the coffee pot and he took a seat at the bar. " Afternoon Bronteé." I poured coffee into a mug for him and handed him some sugar packets. " What will you be having today?"

" Can I just get a cherry pie please?" I nodded and went to the kitchen. Today was a rather slow day and only three workers came in today. Something about a stomach flu going around. " Here you are." I said and placed the pie in front of him. " How's that boyfriend of yours?" He asked and I leaned against the counter. " Well, he's alright I suppose."

" Still not around as often?" He asked and I looked at the counter and wiped it down with a rag. " I guess not." I said shrugging and he flipped over his newspaper. " I'm gonna tell you something Bronteé, just note that I've had three cups of coffee before coming here." I nodded but kept my eyes on the counter. " If you were as important to him as his music is, he'd at least give you a second of his time. Think about it, he gives a second away to use the restroom and to eat and maybe to even stretch so, why can't he give you a second just to maybe, I don't know? Call? Stop by to give you a kiss and leave? Just to say he loves you? To let you know you matter too? Why is giving you a second of his time so inconvenient? You're telling me he doesn't have a second to spare?"

" Well Jeremy I-"

" Take yourself out of the equation. Imagine it was a friend of yours, look from the outside. What would you tell her huh?" I sighed and he took a sip of his coffee. " I come in here everyday and yet I still give you a second of my time to talk before returning to my pie and my crossword puzzle. Why isn't he doing the same?" He took a bite of his pie and just like that he went back to his puzzle. " I don't mean to offend Bronteé, just know your own worth." He said not looking up at all.

I went to the kitchen and got a call from my brother. " Hello?"

" Bronteé, think you can pick up the kids Friday night? Me and Cynthia want to have a couples night out."

" Sure thing, they can spend the night too."

" Great! Thanks so much sis." He hung up and I grew a little happier. I'd get to spend time with my nephews and the apartment won't be as empty. I just have to figure out how to entertain the older one. I also have to let Joji know but I'm sure he'll be at the studio anyway.


Just some pictures for you guys so you know what things look like

This is Jeremy, a very pretty pretty boy that is no ones type because he's too pretty

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This is Jeremy, a very pretty pretty boy that is no ones type because he's too pretty

This is Jeremy, a very pretty pretty boy that is no ones type because he's too pretty

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what the diner kinda looks like with the booth and bar seats

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what the diner kinda looks like with the booth and bar seats.

what the diner kinda looks like with the booth and bar seats

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This is the diner uniform for B

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