Tragedy part2

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Musa P.O.V

I still can't believe dad has accident. Bloom came with me since we heard about the accident, he's very critical anything can happen in 24hrs. "sweety here's some water for you, you must be thirsty" bloom handed me a glass of water. "I am very scared bloom. He gonna be alright, right?" I asked her, as she was gonna say something I saw Stella and other girls and guys were also with them. Stella came running to me and hugged me " don't you worry musa we are here for you, everything will be just fine" she said while hugging me and I hugged her back. "musa" I heard someone saying my name I saw it was the doctor, "is my father okay?" I asked eagerly and he nodded. "he is better now, not in danger anymore"there was no limit for my joy after hearing that "but-" he added "he need constant care", " doctor can I see him?" I asked and he nodded. I entered his room he was still unconscious, I sat beside him "oh dad, you have no idea how scared I got. You are my only family now, my friends are great but they all are busy in their life. You and riven was all I got but he is gone and now I can't lose you too"as I was finished I saw a mark on his neck but ignored it.

Stella P.O.V

I feel soo bad for musa, she suffered a lot I don't want her to suffer anymore. I was lost in my thoughts suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder "oh hey Brandon" I can see he was concerned, I hugged him "she is the first best friend I ever made and that asshole riven left her all alone" I started crying "She is not alone Stella we all are here for like you said before everything gonna be fine", " you think?" I asked and he didn't said anything just kissed my forehead. Musa finally came from the room "how did it go honey?" Flora asked,"doctor said he is fine but he is still unconscious" she replied. She looked like a mess, you can totally tell she was crying a lot "musa you need rest" I told her "no I don't, I am fine plus someone should be in the hospital to take care of him" she said, "helia and I can stay" flora said "and Stella & me stay with in your dad's house and sky & Brandon can join us" bloom added. "okay so aisha, me, timmy and nex will go back to alfea to tell ms faragonda" tecna said. We went to musa's house "thank you guys being for being soo supportive" musa said "well I ain't doing it for free you have to go shopping with me" I joked everyone laughed and we went to sleep. At mid night we heard musa screaming, we all went to her room "musa what happened?" Sky asked her. "I saw a horrible dream, I want to see my father" she said trembling "honey flora and helia are there they will take care of your father" bloom consoles her just then brandon phone rang and it was helia "what's the status helia?" He asked we all were looking at him "we need to go to the hospital" he finally said. "why?" Musa asked her eyes were wet. "he is no more".

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