The Last

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Bloom P.O.V

We were scared to death. It was so sudden, with musa leaving and all. "What are we gonna do?" Flora panicked then the others, I was looking at them everyone was yelling and running here and there. "Wait" I shouted and transformed everyone's eyes were on me "Lets end this guys. He killed musa's dad, because of him musa have stopped smiling, because of him riven and musa aren't together and only because of him musa is leaving us. But enough now, I am going to kick his ass. Are you guys with me?" I asked them. "hell yeah" Brandon said and everyone agreed I can tell they were moved with my speech. "It will be end soon musa" I mumbled to myself.

Riven P.O.V

I was in the forest "Is this how much you love me?" I mumbled. The pain in my heart was getting stronger, I always had a image of tough guy for whom crying and other emotions does not mattered but for musa I become that little kid who just wanted to accepted. I was totally lost in my thoughts then suddenly I heard loud noise like a war, I started running towards the house and saw everyone was in battle form "What is it?" I took out my sword "volturi is coming" sky told me giving other weapons. "Musa doesn't know" Aisha said, we all looked at her "I'll take her down" tecna said and went. "You nervous?" Sky smiled, it was the smile that says our end is near "No" I also smiled "It's time to show what I've been practicing. Plus I am not leaving that son of bitch, he harmed the most important person in my life." We got ready musa also came down, we were in our position. (Riven P.O.V ends)

Riven was looking at the forest, he could see a yellow dot like a light. "What is..." He narrowed his eyes and then realized "Guys duck" he shouted, the fire got pass them and destroyed a half part of the forest. "Mann that was close. Isn't that riven" Balthazar finally came, he was above them but then he got down and started coming to riven, specialist pulled out their swords "whoo! Swords and angry face, no doubt why musa likes you but dude see I haven't came here to fight you I just want musa. That's it" he was talking to me and we all were aiming at them, but riven noticed something odd "where's your brother?", Balthazar started laughing "You guess riven" he said. Riven eyes got wider "who gave you guys information that volturi is coming?" Riven looked at everyone Balthazar started laughing more "I like you a lot" he said. "d-drake" flora said shivering, then only a big explosion occurred "Lucifer" musa was soo shocked and so did the others. "You lied" musa said looking at him, Lucifer was seeing straight into musa's eyes. "You lied about everything. That story, I thought I was your friend I trusted you." Musa attacked him and transformed, Balthazar was going to him but riven and nex attacked him and then Alex and victor also came. The fight begins "You are powerful than I thought" Balthazar said while fighting with riven "you have to kill me before her" riven said "very well" Balthazar laughed. Riven, bloom, sky and Brandon were fighting to Balthazar. Flora, Helia, tecna and timmy were fighting to Alex and the rest Stella, nex and Aisha was fighting to victor. "You are a lier, you betrayed me. Do you have no emotion??" Musa screamed while attacking Lucifer. "musa you are getting me all wrong. I am helpless." Lucifer was dodging her attack, "You lied about your father, you lied about your brother and you lied about you mother" Lucifer stopped her by the mention of her mother. "I could never lie about my mother musa. Everything I told you that night was true. I am sorry." Lucifer and musa were looking directly into each others eyes "I don't trust you" musa started attacking him again meanwhile Balthazar was fighting with the others he could see Lucifer was no match for musa but he wasn't able to help him. "illusion" Balthazar shouted.

Everyone was standing but they couldn't see anything just a forest not even their friends. "Lucifer" he came to Lucifer, behind him was victor and Alex. "Balthazar" he looked him with question "don't worry they are in illusion,I will now take my musa." Lucifer grabbed Balthazar hand "she trusted me Balthazar. I can't see her more hurt." Lucifer plead. Balthazar hugged him and whispered in his ears "Are betraying me brother?? do you start to have feelings for my queen?" Lucifer looked down and said "No brother she is my friend. I care for her as a friend." Balthazar turned towards musa who was looking around,she wasn't able to see anybody "She is mine Lucy, I can take care of her." He got behind her and whispered a spell on her ears, she stopped moving and the illusion started to fade and everyone can see everything now. "Musa" riven shouted seeing Balthazar behind her but she didn't move, her eyes were blood red now. She threw a fire ball on others " why is she attacking us?" Timmy shouted "I think she is under spell Helia explained. "That guy is right" victor said and Balthazar smiled at him and kissed musa's hand. "Don't you go near her" riven yelled, he made a fist "Oh my boy, she is now all mine. I can do anything with her." He hugged musa from behind, "she is not yours anymore." He laughed everyone was looking him in disguise and anger. "No" riven said in low tone looking down "She is the only person I love the most. And she is my everything so BACK OFF" riven pulled out his sword and started attacking but victor and Alex stand infront of him, everyone started fighting. "why aren't you going?" Balthazar asked Lucifer, he was looking down. "I can see emotions in your eyes Lucy and I am not liking it. You can't betray I have done soo much for you. And if you are gonna betray me because of them, then they don't have reason to live." Balthazar went to attack riven.

Balthazar was attacking riven but he stopped it with his shield. Then riven started attacking him, he wasn't able to attack riven "how he could be this strong?" I mumbled to him self. "You tried to take my girl. Now you'll see how that's a bad idea" riven told him, he smiled and said "loving her is the biggest mistake you have done.MUSA" he called out musa and she started attacking riven. He was shocked and couldn't know how to attack musa. Musa then through a fireball at him and he fallen down Helia tried to help him but Balthazar stopped him, musa was continuously attacking him only shot was left and he would be dead but....Lucifer came infront of him, he gave riven his hand to get up. Riven was suspiciously at him "trust me please" riven looked at his eyes it looked pure, he got up. "drake, sorry I mean-" he stopped riven in the middle"my name is drake, my brother changed it to Lucifer." Riven looked at him "listen riven if musa reached fifth stage it will be impossible to take her back so we have to remind her what she truly is" riven nodded "Lucifer what are you doing???" Balthazar yelled but drake ignored him. So he came infront of him and drake attacked him "You are my brother and you betrayed me" Balthazar was shocked and they started fighting. On the other hand riven got close to musa dodging all her attacks" musa this is not you. Try to see what's inside you" riven told her but she didn't hear. "I killed my father for you" Balthazar yelled while fighting "no brother you killed our father because of your anger. I didn't wanted to kill anybody. You forgot all mother taught us. I've always been slave to you, I haven't said anything to you because I wouldn't wanted to betray you but its very important to teach you value of someone's life" drake told him "you are saying that because of them aren't you." Balthazar threw his magic sword to riven who was busy with musa.

"drake" Balthazar shouted and sat on his knee, drake came infront of riven. "why would you go so far for me?" Riven hold him, "musa didn't taught me true meaning of love, you did riven. Without getting any love you gave her everything you got. That's what my mother taught me. You are a amazing person I wish we would've been friends. Take care of her." He closed his eyes. Riven hugged him, "You filthy person" Balthazar eyes were red he was soo angry on riven "I lost my brother because of you" he started attacking riven, riven put a shield infront of him but Balthazar was still attacking him. "This wouldn't feel painful." He stopped then looked at musa "kill him" he instructed musa and she came close to riven then first riven was dodging her attack but then he sat on his knees "No riven" Helia shouted. "If you want kill me then just kill me but I wanna tell you that I love you musa. The time I spend with you was the most amazing time. I love you." He looked down and closed his eyes. Musa made a fireball in her hand "let me do it darling" he passed musa and was about to kill him but wasn't able to move "what is happening to me?" Riven looked up and was shocked.

Musa had tears in her eyes, she was crying after ages. "Don't you hurt him" musa was talking in two voices she even looked different from before. "She reached the fifth stage" Alex said in a shock, everyone was shocked too. She was crying and brutally attacking Balthazar, Alex and victor came tried to help him but they weren't able to stop her she was soo strong. She attacked them and they fell on the ground and now she was aiming Balthazar "stop it please" he was begging to her but she was unstoppable. She pulled out a sword which was made of flames and she cuts Balthazar, he screamed so did flora sky and nex tried to stop her but she attacked them too. Then she cuts his arms he was screaming more loudly, after that she was killing her brutally, he screamed and then died but musa was still attacking him. "He is dead musa " tecna was coming close to her but she yelled at her "don't" she took her steps back. Musa was crying and everyone was watching her helplessly. "You killed my father, you almost killed my only happiness. You made my life miserable." She was screaming "musa" someone patted on her shoulder "WHAT??" She looked behind it was riven, tears started coming more fastly from her eyes she sat on ground so did riven and she hugged him and started crying more loudly. Other were crying too.

"I killed him riven. He made me a monster."

"No, you are a princess a warrior. You did the right thing."

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