New rivalry

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Riven P.O.V

Since I came back musa is the one I wanted to meet the most but I can't. It was hurting me like hell I knew how she must be feeling once she told me that her father I was the only family she had and now...

"hey guys tecna send me their video, she told me that musa came out of her room" timmy told us. I was very relieved and other guys looked happy too it seem they cared about her too. The video started " hey you guys how are doing?" Tecna asked and flora and Aisha also came waving at us. They started talking which I didn't hear I just wanted to see if musa was fine and then there she was looking soo innocent and her eyes were still big as I last saw them but there was soo much pain in those eyes my heart felt it too. Bloom was feeding her Stella was showing her clothes which I can tell by her looks that she didn't cared her mouth was full and she waved at the camera I smiled looking at her tears came out of my eyes. "you will meet her soon, don't worry dude" helia said looking at me sympathetically, he totally gets me.

Meanwhile in Ms faragonda office.

"Griselda call winx in my office immediately especially musa" Ms faragonda shouted she looked frightened as something very bad is coming in their way. "I can't believe that this is really happening is she able to handle it?" She asked herself.

Bloom P.O.V

I was feeding musa I literally felt like she is my little sister she looked like a child, I child who have suffered a lot. "what? Why are you smiling?" Musa asked making a puppy face and trying not to spill food from her mouth. "Nothing I am just happy that you are back" I smiled she smiled too, suddenly Ms Griselda entered our room "winx Ms faragonda want see you all in her office especially you musa" she looked horrified we all exchanged glance "hurry" she shouted and we all got up I was holding musa. We entered Ms faragonda's office she was looking at her white ball. I told musa to sit and I stand aside her. "Girls there's a new rival upon us. He is not like the other rivals you ever had he is different he stronger than them" she showed us a bird "this was the symbol I saw in my dad's neck when he was in hospital" musa shouted. "yes dear. It's a phoenix bird it wasn't the car accident who killed your dad it was volturi" Ms faragonda said in a disappointment "but why?? What my dad have possibly done to him?" Musa stood up her eyes were burning from rage. "Because they gave birth to you. Yes musa volturi target is you. A long time ago there was a Oracle that the 40th generation of your family will be heiress of the phoenix power and yes that's you musa you were the only one who saw phoenix symbol on your dad's neck and only you could see that. Your new mission is to get more stronger and musa must learn to activate phoenix you all don't have much time. Take the specialist with you" she finally ended. That was a lot of information to get in few seconds we went out of the room but as we were going out "musa phoenix is most powerful weapon ever. If it's good a lot can be saved by it but if its bad.." She stopped it made both of us scared.

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