Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes only to shut it quickly because of the blinding from the sun rays . I sit up straight in bed ,"ah my head hurts" I moan out.

I frown when I turn to my side to see that Brenton didn't sleep here last night. My head still hurts so I grab an advil from my purse and take it with some water, hopefully my headache would go down a bit.

What did I do have such a hangover, then suddenly I begin to remember everything from last night. From our supper to the game and the kiss.
Oh my god! I and Brenton kissed! I freaking kissed him! Now I get why he didn't sleep here. But I was sad, does he regret kissing me. He probably doesn't want to be friends anymore. Oh how I hate myself for being a stupid stupid! drunk, argh! I fucking hate myself right now. I inwardly groan as I pull my hair out in frustration.
"Wow,easy there girl. What's got you trying to kill yourself this morning?" Melina asked coming into my tent.

"I messed up Lina, I messed up big time. I so stupid ! stupid!"I say hitting myself with my pillow.
Before I could hit myself again with the pillow Melina grabs it and pulls it away from me.

"Stop this shit already Emma, now explain to me why you beating yourself up before I start thinking you going mad."

"Ok,so...."I begin to explain everything to her from when everyone was sleeping and so I and Brenton decided to head back to our tent but then decide to take a walk then we teasing each other then kissing and me running away like the coward that I am. When I finish Melina just sits there not saying anything.

"Lina please say something" I say poking her a little, before I know she attacks me with a bone crashing hug
"Herh Lina, I.. Can't.. Breath." 

"Oh sorry"she says grinning like she just won the lottery

"Why are you even happy in the first place, I just told something really stupid I did and the you grinning like an idiot."I said not meaning to be mean.
"You didn't do anything stupid Emma,well except  the of you walking away" Melina says and I groan.

"I am sure he practically hates me right now that is why he didn't sleep here last night" I say
"Oh come on don't be so negative about this, he probably wanted to give you some space."she says smiling

"Yeah probably."I say smiling.
"You should speak to him , to clear all this misunderstanding. Come on let's get you cleaned up okay. Go have a shower while I prepare us something to eat." She says and I nod giving her a smile,that is why I love her so much.

As Melina leaves I get up and head into the shower after about thirty minutes I step out and towel myself dry, brush my teeth and go out into the room I put on my black lace bra and pantie. I grab my dark jeans and my white crop top long sleeved with black heel boots. After that I just apply my mascara, dark eye shadow and nude lipgloss for my lips .
I then grab my phone and step out to be greeted by the smell of beacon and pancake, not just any pancakes but Melina's famous chocolate chip pancakes.
I give her a wide grin and hug her
"This is why I love you so much, Lina."I say while grabbing a box of orange juice, she shakes her head smiling.
"You always remember that you love me when you hungry and I cook for you" I stick my tongue out at her in a childish manner as she places a plate of pancake and beacon in front of me,my mouth water immediately and I waste no time in devouring my food.
She soon joins me, after we done with our breakfast I clean our plates then we head out to the others me feeling  a bit nervous to meet Brenton to talk about what happened between us and would totally understand if he wanted nothing to do with me. I sigh and Melina notices so she rubs my side reassuring me it going to be okay.
As we meet the others I didn't see Brenton around and when he came he avoided any eye contacts with me. I am sure he is just shy from last night. When our eyes meet for a brief moment I blush and he looks away his face blank of any emotion .I wonder what his problem is. I ignore him and talk to the girls they were complaining about this little camp ending tomorrow and how they wished they could expand this. We were talking about random stuff before I notice Brenton say something to the guys before walking away. I tell the girls that I would be right back  Melina gives me a knowing look before I go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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