Chapter one - listen to my leaders

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Shiro POV
After completing my mission I returned to the temple of the gods, once there I quickly report back to Zues. When I enter the worship area of the temple I see Zues sitting on his thrown and I bow respectfully then stand up straight, Zues gets up and walks over to me standing four feet taller then me "This is your target" Zeus says handing me a picture of a young boy, I nod "consider it done sir" I say with a smirk, this is going to be so easy. hah! I'll make my leaders proud of me. I see no reason to feel any remorse for this child. He is a problem for my leaders meaning he is in the way.

I leave the worship room and walk out of the temple then I am stopped "Shiro..." I turn quickly and bow, it is Demeter the goddess of the earth, the last time I ran into her, it didn't end well for anyone "yes my lady?" I say keeping my eyes to the ground to be respectful "I have a request" she speaks sweetly, I look up at her "what is the request?" I ask.

She hands me a picture of the same child Zues had just told me to kill "I am already following orders to kill this child" I say and Demeter shakes her head at me and her eyes meet mine, her eyes are full of emotion and seriousness "no. You will save this child and bring him to me, there for killing the person he was going to be if he was raised by humans" She says and I nod, with doing that I would please two gods, it doesn't sound like it is the best choice but I know that the gods know what they want "and this is what you ask of me?" I ask and she nods.

"No harm must come to the baby understood?" she asks but more of a order and I nod "yes, understood" I say and she smirks "then get to it. I expect him to be delivered to my temple today" she says and I bow quickly then leave.

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