Chapter Ten - Stand still

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Shiro POV
I stare into his beautiful purple eyes, the stars reflect perfectly in them and I look at him frozen for a long moment, I regain my strength and reach my hand out of the shadows reaching for him in the moon light, I'm no longer caring about the girl and if she sees me, my body is shaking out of fear, a smile goes across his lips as he looks at me, for the first time ever I take a deep breath feeling the air fill me, I feel a heart beat, It's loud and pounding fast, It's all because of him, I fall out of the shadows and take off running over to his side, I get down on my knees pushing the girl out of the way, she looks at me shocked not knowing where I came from.

I am being gentle with him as I pull him closer to me, the girl realized who I am and watched me shocked.

This is all my fault.

I let my own fear cloud my judgement, I didn't want the gods to find him and now I don't even get him, he will die because of my stupidity. I should have saved him without any questions.

I try to think of ways I can save him, could use my dark powers but his body wouldn't be able to take it, I can't save him, I'm powerless, I need the girls help.. He has to be strong "Come on kid, you're okay, you're okay" I say quickly in a shaky voice putting my hand on his cheek wiping some of the blood off of it "I'm not a kid, Champion" he says and whispers Champion so that the girl doesn't hear it. He's looking after me, His breathing was slowing down, he's dying, no no not now, no way, not him!

I start shaking more "What is he?" The girl asks and I don't look at her, I know she is shocked by my actoins, she is from the tribe of Alteans, they have amazing medical, if I have to I will protect Keith from Artemis, Demeter as well, I will die for him. I can't be acting selfishly anymore, that's what caused this, I was scared to be found out and didn't protect him, I was weak and it is going to cause the person I care about to die.

He's not human and he's not a monster. "A runaway" I mumble and she looks down at him "my people can help him" she says and I feel anger wash over me, they can help him, I cant, but I can take him to them, dark smoke circles the three of us "tell anyone and I'll kill you" I say to her and look at her growling in anger, my eyes glowing silver, she just nods in understanding, I feel my cheek get stained with tears and I wipe them away, I've never felt so much pain, I pickup Keith gently. "I'll keep both your secrets" she says and I look down at him then use the darkness to transport the three of us to her tribe.

When we get there I stand up holding him against my chest protectively, I won't lose him, I just started feeling, I don't want to stop.

The girl calls for help and a few people rush to her but when they see me they hesitate but she rushes them to help her and they do as she wishes, I keep a close hold on him not wanting this to be the last time I hold him close to me.

"I won't fail you again" I whisper to him and follow the girl as she rushes to the medical hut, when I go to step inside there is force keeping me out, Keith can go through, I don't want to let go of him.

I look down at him, I don't want him to die "Please hurry! He won't survive if you dont" she says looking at me with tears in her eyes, I shake and hand him to one of the warriors who followed her, he takes Keith into the hut and I watch closely.


(Sorry to do this to yall! This is the end of the first book 'he's a run away' the next book will be coming out soon! I hope you go check it out! Thank you for reading this book!)

The next books name is "Blessed (Sheith) Book 2"

He's a Run away    (Sheith)  Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora