chapter six -- do as youre told

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Shiro POV
He's awake and looks like he's in shock, at least he's not loud and annoying again, he is cuter when he's quiet- wait no he's not cute at all. He's a annoying teenage kid, I think he's a teenager at least "Why were you in there in the first place?" I ask calmly even though I am really, really pissed. Its not completely at him since he has no idea I had plans for him never to come near the gods, he says nothing and I repeat my question but half way threw I realize something then take off running. I jump from shadow to shadow I keep running til I get to the village, it's in a rainforest type terrain, I have no clue how he got to the arena in the first place. I hold him tightly as I use my shadow powers and get inside a cave at the top of a waterfall. This should be safe.

The kid struggles trying to get out of my grip. I set him down but keep a hold of his arm so I know he won't get himself hurt trying to leave the cave "what are you!? What the hell did you just do!?" He shouts freaking out, I cover his mouth "calm down kid" I say and he glares, I try not to look at his eyes knowing I'd get lost in them "for one. I'm not human, two. You made a mistake even getting close to a area the gods control." I say and he shoved me away from him completely , my grip on his arm broke and he got free.

I am shocked, how... No way, he shouldn't have been able to do that "don't call me kid." He says and takes a deep breath closing his eyes "you need to explain champion..." He says and I act before I can think, I pin him to the cave wall "don't call me Champion" I say and he looks up at me shocked, those purple eyes look at me and I feel weak.

(I'm sorry that they have been so short)
(Like if you are liking the story, I have a ask Sheith story published if you want to ask them questions. I hope you're enjoying this story so far! Bye till next time!)

He's a Run away    (Sheith)  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now