Chapter Seven- Waterfall

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Keith POV
I freeze and I'm a little frightened, his eyes look into mine and I can't help but stare, it's like staring at a iron plated suit, I see him getting closer and I don't know what to do, I see him look at my lips, I glance down at his, his lips are only a inch away from mine, I want him to get closer but I know I shouldn't want that, I know I should push him away and stop him, this isn't right, I don't know him, he's not human.

I am a man and so is he, I can't let this happen "stop" I whisper and he stops moving, it looks like he just snapped back to reality. He lets go of me and moves away, he acts like nothing just happened, is he upset with me? I don't care, I did what I had to, I wasn't ready for a stranger to take my first kiss "if you want to survive then you need to stay in your village and never leave it unless you rather die by the hands of the gods" He says and I look at him in disbelief "no way, I want to see a world outside my village, you can't take away my freedom" I say and he shakes his head "you almost got yourself killed moron" he says and the emotions are dripping from his voice, it's almost like he doesn't know how to react to it.

I roll my eyes "I'm not a child, I don't need a stranger to take care of me" I say then before I can even blink, the rock behind me shakes as the Champion punches right next to my head, I don't flinch, my body stays still and I look at him, my eyes like daggers I won't be caged "you should be scared of death!! I could have killed you and all you can do is argue that you aren't a child!!!? Sorry to break it to you but you are a child! A weak one who doesn't care what happens" He shouts, his eyes glowing bright shiny grey. Silver.

I take a deep shaky breath, I'm angry, I should be scared of him but I'm not "if all I know is my village then my life wouldn't be worth it in the end, I can't control my own life. If I die then so be it, I refuse to be caged, I am nineteen, I am no longer a child so don't treat me as such" I say and he growls "if you get near the gods, I won't be able to stop them from using you or killing you, leaving your village is a death wish" he says and I growl back "why do you care!? I just met you!" I say upset "you'll find out, good luck kid" he says and turns into a shadow then disappears "hey! I'm not a kid, wait!" I shout not knowing where I am, it sounds like a waterfall outside and I'm also in a cave..

I can swim so I could always go for the jump.. Hm, I have to think this through. He better not be testing me, I am so done with him. He's a huge pain in the ass!

Shiro POV
He will be fine, I lean against a tree as I watch the waterfall, if he needs help I'll help him but I want to see if he can figure it out on his own. He really is older.. Alot more time went by then I expected, he ages normal so maybe he really is just a human with bad luck.. He can protect himself, he's strong, and those eyes of his, I will never forget them. He could be a god, I would mistake him for one if I only saw his eyes, he is smarter then he looks, that's for sure.

I saved him for a reason, now all I have to do is wait to see what that reason is.

I watch the waterfall and nothing is happening, maybe he's frightened? He might think I'm tricking him, I'm not complaining, I understand why he wouldn't trust me, it still pisses me off, PLUS!! I ALMOST KISSED HIM!! I don't know why but I was so hypnotized by his eyes and my chest started hurting, he's fucking magic! I swear!

Where is he? How long does it take to figure things out? His small human mind is stumped at such a easy task? Sad, I though he was smarter then that "Keith! Where are you?!!" Someone shouts and I shrug it off, I don't care about people, it has nothing to do with me just some villager anyway, I wonder if- "Wait up Lance!!" I hear the kids voice then see him jump out of the cave and through the waterfall, wait. ... Is his name Keith?

Authors note!

Hey! Sorry for the long wait, I'm about to finish one of my other stories so I got busy, if you are enjoying this story then please leave a like! Thank you for liking this story, I will see ya next chapter!

He's a Run away    (Sheith)  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now