Chapter two -- second thoughts

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Shiro POV
I use the humans blindness to the danger of the darkness to my advantage as I sneak threw the market using the shadows and around the buildings, soon I arrive to a small hut. I'm not going to have to steal the baby from anyone and if Zues really wanted this baby dead all he had to do was wait two days, this baby would have starved to death in a matter of days. No one. I mean it. No one is in the hut, I guess they didn't want this mistake anymore then anyone else, I enter the hut and walk in looking around. My first look in here was threw the window so now I'm getting a better look around the place and it has been wrecked, there was a struggle and things were stolen.

I smell the air and the smell of a rotting corps fills my nose and I get it now, I walk into another room to find a man dead on the ground, he had been stabbed a few times. One person wanted the baby at least. I leave that room and enter a smaller one, the first thing I see is a little straw bed with a blanket over it. I move the blanket to find nothing "what?" I say trying to figure it out. Was this a trick? Or maybe someone had already gotten to the baby?
I take a step away and knock into something making a loud noise, well more of a crashing sound. I shrug it off.

I turn to leave and hear crying, my attitude changes. I won't go back empty handed after all, I look around then follow the crying to find that the man had hidden the baby in a small hole in the mut/dirt floor, it's far off to the side so it's barely noticeable, how smart.

I pick the baby up and look him over for any injuries. The moment out eyes meet I am frozen in place. Beautiful purple eyes stare at me, he wasn't crying anymore. I think he was only crying to get my attention. That's kind of smart.. I quickly break eye contact them I realize I had called his eyes beautiful.. how can eyes be beautiful? ppfft. I hold the baby and he snuggles close to me for warmth, I didn't realize how cold he is. I'm not very warm but it should be fine. I walk back into the room with the straw bed and grab the blanket and wrap him up in it then hold him close to me.
My first mission was to kill the baby..
Why am I having second doubts?..
I will bring this baby to Demeter and she will do as she pleases with him. She can turn him to soup for all I care!

The baby snuggles me again and I look down at him.. I can't give him to Demeter... I can't risk him dying..

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