Chapter Four -- Fuck...

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~°° time skip to 19 years into the future °°~

Shiro POV
I was punished for letting 'the baby die' by Demeter but I was praised by Zues. I don't regret it, all those years ago I made the choice to save him and I don't regret it.. I never brought up being able to feel to my leaders.. I don't and haven't been able to feel for anything else but that baby who is most likely dead after all this time. Though honestly, time is a blur for me since I live forever, I don't keep track of the years or days or seconds. I've still done the dirty work of the gods and I've enjoyed it of course. Sometimes I worry to much, it only happened when my mind wonders to that little baby.

There are nights where I stay awake thinking of those purple eyes and what kind of man he had grown into or if he has even been alive. I want to go and check on him. I want to see him alive. I want to see him.. "God DamnIt!!!" I SHOUT punching a wall of a house crumbling the wall making the house fall down, I sigh and walk to the arena where I will be fighting men who have broke the law or angered the gods, it's my everyday job. It's a good show for everyone and a good work out for me.

I get to the arena and I enter the gates. The crowd springs to life cheering loudly, a man shouts over them And the crowd quiets quickly "And now! The moment you have all been waiting for! Our champion!" Shouts a speaker pointing towards me. The crowd jumps back to life and cheers me on and I look around at all of them, they are so happy and excited. I wander how that feels.. -wait.. What am I thinking? They are just being forced to care.. They come here for something to do when they are bored, so why should I care if they can feel anything?

The crowd shouts and cheers then the door on the other side of the arena opens, the crowd goes quiet. Just then the guards drag a lean male out of the the door. The male has a mask on and he's fighting against the guards hold, I smirk when they shove him to the ground and leave, shutting the door behind him. The male quickly gets up and looks towards me. I am on the complete opposite side of the arena, maybe about twelve feet away.

"Are you ready for a blood bath!!!?!!!!" The speaker shouts to the crowd and now the once quiet crowd is louder then ever. I wait for the signal to run to the middle and grab our weapons "ready!? Get set!! And GO!!!" The speaker shouts and I take off running and so does the other male, he gets there before me, he quickly grabs a knife and he knocks over the other weapons to make it harder for me. Ha! This will be fun, he got a tiny knife! what does he expect from this?

When I get closer the male gets in a fighting stance, I smirk "go ahead, take the first shot" I say and it's a trick, when he swings at me with the knife I will grab his arm and break it. He didn't though he took a step back and stayed in his stance. Smart..
That's new.

Keith POV
I took the place of a little kid who had stole some food because he was staving, which is how I got in this in the first place. The battle arena. I am now fighting the Champion... I'm going to die.. I'm wearing a mask to hide my face. I was told by my mother that I can never show my face to anyone. When I was told to take the first hit I disagreed and he seemed surprised and he lunged at me which I quickly moved dodging him the best I can, he trips me and I fall to the ground landing on a sword that I had knocked over and it slices, cutting my arm, I wince in pain.

I have no time to be hurt though, I quickly move and get up shoving him then cutting him on the chest with my knife. The crowd gasps. No one ever lands a hit on the Champion, ever, he smirks and grabs a knife and stabs my mask and I quickly move away, taking my mask off before it can cut my face, it did cut my cheek though. I look at the Champion and he is frozen looking in my eyes "no way.." He whispers and I look away "the fights not over!" I shout at him and he smiled walking up to me "yes. It is" he says and then I black out.

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