Letter 6

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remember when you used to avoid me? whenever you saw me, you turned around, went the other way. you didn't want to talk to me, since i supposedly ruined your life more. i really didn't think so. leon didn't do anything for two whole weeks after that cafeteria fiasco, while you still avoided me. you were bullied way less than before for two weeks. the most it got was a shove.

i learned to control my emotions a little. i learned how to breathe when i see you. i learned how to unfreeze myself when you're close. i put my emotions under control, just for a little, so i could talk to you.

not that you let me.

i started manning up. i used to walk up to you and try to talk to you. i did it every morning, every lunch, every class we shared, but you never wanted to talk to me. you always left without speaking.

later, you began to reply. telling me to stop trying. it was an improvement, you never uttered a word before. i loved your voice, i loved hearing you talk, so i always tried again.

but i guess those two weeks were the calm before the storm. i threatened leon when he beat you up, and he disappeared for two weeks. but one day, he didn't hesitate to torment you. him and his shitty squad beat you up again, and it was way worse this time. you got a broken rib. a broken rib! and you were sent to the fucking hospital! and nobody did anything! because it 'wasn't on school grounds.' i call that bullshit.

i punched leon next day. but he wasn't alone, so all three guys ganged up on me. i got a few punches in, but i was still beaten really bad. it was on school grounds, so i ended up getting suspended for three days, and leon and his shitty group for ten days, which was two school weeks, for beating both me and you up. it was hard getting justice for you since the beating didn't happen 'on school grounds,' but i managed to do it anyway.

you know, people made fun of me after that. the new kid, getting himself beaten for geeky gabby. what an idiot, right? wrong. i gave them what they needed to get. maybe i got beaten up, but it was worth it. two weeks of suspension isn't little. i knew it would stop them from doing anything to you, if you went to school, and it's all that mattered. i'd do it again in a heartbeat.

do you have any predictions or thoughts?

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