Letter 12

34 6 2

why did you do it, gabby? why did you... i can't even say it, or write it, or even think it. i just miss having you around, even if you didn't want me around. i miss the times before we went our own ways. it took me months to make you let me in, to make you consider me a friend. it took me months to make you trust me. it took months for you to be as comfortable as you could get around me.

and it took me one day, one single decision, to ruin that. to ruin our whole friendship.

and it took you one single decision to ruin a lot of things, too. including me. you’ve ruined me by ruining yourself, gabby.

the thing with decisions is... one wrong decision can cost you so much, too much almost.

i guess yours was one of those wrong decisions.

why did you take the damn pills?

do you have any predictions? what do you think happened to gabby? hm.

have you ever made a wrong decision that affected everything?

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