Chapter 7| Drinking Whiskey

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It's almost midnight. Monday passed (well, nearly, in a few minutes it'll be over), and I can't sleep. I'm sitting on the roof of our house like I've done so many times, but this time, I had a bottle of some of my dad's whiskey in hand. I'm not much of a drinker, but sometimes I need something to make me a little lighter.

I can't stop thinking about Gabby. Now that I've actually talked to her, it seems like I really can't stop thinking about her. I'm still trying to figure out what gave me enough of a push to go talk to her. It was sudden and impulsive and it didn't seem like something I'd do after so much time without any word said between Gabby and me. I take a swig of whiskey.

I still love her; that much is certain and definitely hasn't changed. I don't think feelings disappear in the matter of months, not if they were real anyway, but it's like my feelings for her haven't lessened a speck. I still love her now as much as I did before our fallout. But does that mean that I had to suddenly go talk to her?

I sigh, drinking a little more whiskey. Sitting like this, it reminds me of the time I took Gabby up here. I took her to my house after school one day because we had a project to do, but we got bored of it quickly and decided to take a break. She wanted to do something fun, so I taught her how to climb out of my window and onto the roof. We watched the sunset while talking about nothing in particular. We still hadn't gotten as close as we were right before we stopped talking, but I still miss those days anyway. At least she was in them.

Gabby was always insecure. She never mentioned it but I always noticed it. She wouldn't take my compliments, she hated showing skin, and rarely wore clothes that hugged her body. She always seemed like she didn't think she was good enough. It saddened me to see her insecure then, and still saddens me now.

I sigh again. I've been sitting here for two hours doing nothing and I only finished a third of the whiskey bottle. But I guess that's good, I wouldn't want a bad hangover on a school morning. Clutching the bottle tightly in my hands, I make my way down and back into my room. I tiptoe to the kitchen and place the bottle back into its place and go back to my room. I lie in bed for a little while, but I can't sleep. I'm thinking too hard, so I open my nightlight and fetch my notebook to write for the second time in one day. I guess it makes up for Sunday, since I didn't write anything then.

I write for what seems to me as hours, only ifit was about ten minutes. I write until I fill over a page, and when the pen keepshovering over the paper with no words being written, I decide that's enough,and add a few words before closing my notebook and putting it back in its place.Only then do I drift into sleep.


i stuck to my "every other day" update for the first time. lets see if after tomorrow i'll publish a chapter lol.

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