Chapter 2

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Johnny's POV

"Lauren! Lets go!"


Lauren ran out of the house frazzled trying to carry her thousands of bags at once. I just stood there laughing my head off. 

"You could at least help me!" Lauren said very annoyed.

I ran over to her and grabbed some of her bags. I shoved them into the bed of the truck and put some in the cab. (A/N the bed of a truck is the part that isn't enclosed and the cab is the part of the truck where the driver sits. This truck has the two/three front seats and some have the three back seats. you can look up the model after you finish reading if you want, it comes up later in the story.)

"Are you sure you don't want us to come and help set up?" asked my mom.

"Yes" said Laren and I in unison. 

We know it hurt them, but they would make our house all babyish and that's not what we wanted. I sarted up the engine of my white Duramax LP5 and sped of down the road. I turned onto Mapleton Drive where our house was located. I found 594 S, which was our house, and pulled in the long driveway. Once we finally got down our driveway and to the house I pulled up to the huge double doors we had and stopped the truck. I got out and opened the tail gate (A/N the tail gate is the long door on the bed that stops things from sliding out.) I walked up to the doors to open them so we could bring our stuff in. There was a note on the door that read:

Hey! Thank you for renting our house. 

We rented it to another person too. I hope you don't mind.

There are 4 keys under the mat. One for you, your sister,

your friend, and the other girl renting. She'll be here an hour 

after you guy are supposed to be here. Any

questions let us know. You have our contact info. 

XOXO, Debbie and Dylan

"Uhh, Lauren?"


"We are sharing this house with another person"



"Do you know anything about him?"

"Only that HE is actually a SHE and she'll be here an hour after us and since we were 30 minutes late, she'll be here in 30 minutes." 

"Oh. YAY someone to talk to besides boys!"

"Lauren, you don't know them and I doubt you will talk to them"

"Well, how long are they renting for?"

"I don't know it doesn't say"

"Oh, well we can ask her when she gets here"

"Yeah, now lets get unpacking so we can have a good room"


Carson and I took rooms on one side of the hall and down the hall will be Lauren and the other girl. I hope she is hot and nice because if Larson is real like all of our friends think then I'll be third wheeling all the time. I decided to make my bed. I got these grey sheets and a grey comfortor and pillow cases to match. The room had a hige walk-in closet so I put my pants on hangers on one side of my closet with my shirts in the column next to them, my boxers in drawers, my suits on the other side, my bathing suits in another drawer, and other accesories around the closet. I had so much space I was able to put my shoes on display along with my sunglasses and watches. Once I was satisfied with my closet I left my room. I heard the door alarm that goes off when someone comes in. Hoping it was Carson I ran downstairs. Lauren was behind me. 

"I hope it's Carson." I stated.

"I hope it's the new girl." she replied.

I jumped off the stairs and turned the corner to see...

Who did they see? Was it Carson or the other girl? Who do you think the other girl is? I'll post more tomorrow. I hope you like it so far. I'm putting a lot of effort into this.

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