Chapter 5

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Mackenzie's POV

I picked a comedy for us to watch first called Naked. I clicked on it and waited for Johnny to be ready. 

"You almost ready?"

"Yep. What movie did you pick?"


"That's what Lauren and Carson will be getting tonight."

We both started dying laughing "Johnny that's discusting. I can't get that picture out of my head!"

"Me neither!" He said through laughs while climbing in bed next to me with our pizza.

"Here ya go."

"Why thank you kind sir."

I pressed play on the movie and we sat there watching it. I finished the two pieces of pizza Johnny gave me. I don't know what he was thinking with giving me two pieces, so I grabed three more for me and three more for him. We finished the whole pizza with a lot of the movie left. We ate really fast, but we didn't eat all day because we were moving so that makes sense. I jumped off the bed and grabbed a bag of chips.

"What kind do you want first?"


"Yeah. What, do you think we are only eating one bag of chips Vincent?"

"Well, I am pretty hungry."

"Exactly, now what kind of chips first?"

"Umm, nachos so they don't get cold."


I garbbed the nachos and climed back in bed. We were eating them and laughing so hard because of the movie. We finished the nachos and put the plate back on the table. The movie ended and by now it was 6:00pm. He picked the movie this time, and of course him being the boy he is, he picked a scary movie called The Boy. I sat really close to him just incase of any scary parts. There was a jump scare so I flinched and he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. I grabbed onto his chest and shoved my face into the crook of his neck. He smelt really good. The scare ended and I looked at the screen keeping my head and hands where they were. He did the same. There was another jump scare and I hid again. He kissed the top of my head saying it would be okay, but I was really scared. I HATE scary movies. We continued to eat  most of our food during the movie. The movie had so many jump scares I lost count. When the movie finally ended it was 7:30pm. We decided to make the ice cream sundaes now. We got up and headed downstairs. I was still scared from the movie amd Johnny could tell so he held my hand as we went downstairs. When we got there he let go of my hand to get out the ice cream while I got out the toppings. I was still really scared so Johnny gave me a long hug.

"Kenz, are you okay?"

"No. That movie scared me half to death."

"Aww, I'm sorry. We can watch another funny movie so you can get your mind off of this one."


We let go of our hug and made our ice cream sundaes. Mine had one scoop of every flavor with whipped cream, hot fudge, rainbow sprinkles, caramel syrup, and a cherry. Johnny's had one scoop of every flavor as well but different toppings. His toppings were whipped cream, chocolate syrup, rainbow sprinkles, and a cherry. We put everything away and grabbed the Chunk and headed upstairs. We put on the movie Blended and ate our ice cream sundaes. I had some of Johnny's and he had some of mine. Once we finished we sarted eating Chunk. We finished the Chunk and we continued watching the 30 minutes left of the movie. Johnny put his arm around my waist, gently squeezing it. I tried my hardest to hold back a little moan but a tiny bit slipped out. I think he noticed but he didn't say anything. I laid my head on his shoulder. I heard my phone buzz. It was a text from my mom. 

-Text Convo-

Momma Mel: Hey honey. Hows the new place?

Me: Good

Momma Mel: Thats good. Remember stay away from the Orlando's.
 If you see them on the street walk past like they
aren't there. Ok?

Me: Okay mom.

Momma Mel: Goodnight.


-End of Convo-

Damn it. I forgot about the stupid rules. 

"Kenz? What's wrong?"

"My mom just texted me and reminded me to stay away from you and Lauren if I saw you in public. I forgot about that."

"Aww Kenz. It's a stupid fued they have she can't do anything if you break the rules."

"She told me before I left that if I broke the rules she would make me move back in with her." A tear slid down my face.

Johnny lifted my chin with his fingers so my face was facing his. We made eye contact and he wiped away my tears with his thumb. 

"Kenzie, this has been one of the best days of my life and I haven't had one of those in a long time. I won't let her take you away from Lauren and I again."

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. It felt really good. Not only the kiss, but going against my mother. When the kiss ended we hugged. We held the huge for about five minutes. The movie ended while we were kissing so it was silent. Then Johnny spoke.

"Lets do something to get your mind off of this."

"Okay. Like what?"

He started to play music and got out of bed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me off. He started to move my hands up and down while making funny faces that made me laugh. We started to dance around his room like a bunch of maniacs. After about fifteen minutes of dancing we both fell on the bed. He held my hand as we laid there. I think I'm in love with him.

Against The RulesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora