Chapter 22

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Johnny's POV

It was the day after our wedding and time for our honeymoon. We are going to Bora Bora, Kenzie's favorite place, for our honeymoon. We are staying there for 2 weeks. I put all of our stuff in the car and waited for Kenzie to come downstairs.  It's 3:00 am and the airport is an hour away. Our flight is at 6:00 am but we wanted to get there 2 hours early to go through security and everything. When Kenzie finally came downstairs I just started at her. She looked amazing, she always does, but this time was different. Maybe because we just got married, but she looks incredible. She was wearing a pale pink crop top with a tie in the front and a pair of black leggings with her hair in a messy bun and no makeup. 

"Good morning."

"No. Not good morning. It's too early." She groaned. 

"I know. Now come on we need to get to the airport."

"But I'm tired." Kenzie wined.

"You can sleep at the airport."

"Fine, but I'm cold."

I ran upstairs and grabbed one of my sweatshirts and ran back downstairs.

"Here." I tossed her the sweatshirt.

"Thank you babe."

"You're welcome."

We got in the car and headed to the airport. When we got their we went through everything we had to do and had an hour before our flight. I went to Starbucks and got Kenzie and I some coffee and breakfast.

~At Bora Bora~

When we finally got off the plane it looked beautiful. Kenzie was looking around in shock.

"It's so beautiful." She said.

"Not as beautiful as you."

She turned around and kissed me.

We checked in and got our room. We walked down the boardwalk to our room. Once we got their Kenzie and I put on our bathing suits and went swimming. We swam and had fun for the rest of the day.

It was night now and I had a fancy dinner planned for Kenzie and I. We went to the beach and their was a table with a heart made out of rose petals around it. We sat at the table and there were candles and a menu. We ordered her favorite food and waited for it to arrive. Once it did we talked and laughed while eating our food. After we ate they brought out the chocolate cake I pre-ordered for us. Chocolate was Kenzie's favorite. We ate the cake and brought the rest back to our room. We decided to watch a movie in bed. Once the movie finished I went to sleep with her in my arms. I love her so much.


I hope you enjoyed "Against The Rules" It was really fun to write and I have another fan fiction coming next week. It's called Reality. Thank you for reading my book I love all the support and follow my fanpage on Instagram sweetjaurenzie

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