Chapter 13

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Johnny's POV

It's Tuesday which means our parent's are coming over today. It's 12:15 and Kenzie is about to leave. I hope our plan works.

"Bye babe. Have fun with your mom." I kissed her on the cheek while she was putting on her shoe.

"Thanks. We are going to the mall too so you have some extra time."

"My parents are on their way."

"Okay bye. Text me when they leave!"

"Ok bye love you."

"Love you too."

Kenzie pulled out of the driveway and I went to find Lauren. Carson and Lauren were sitting on the couch cuddling.

"What are you two doing?"

"Cuddling, duh."

"I know that Lauren, but our parents will be here in 10 minutes."


"You and Carson can't date."

"Okay well, if we don't tell them they won't know."

"They think we are living with Hayden."

"So? Tell them we are living with Carson."

"No they said Carson was a bad influence on you and you can't hang out with him."

"Since when did they say that."

"The night before we moved here."

"Oh right."

"They'll be here in 8 minutes."

"Okay. Well I'll be at Starbucks if you need anything."

"Bye babe."


Once they kissed Carson put on his shoes and left. Lauren went upstairs to change while I waited for our parents to get here.

Mackenzie's POV

I got to Panera early so I sat at a table waiting for my mom. I saw Carson walk in. Why isn't he at home?

"Hey Kenz."

"Hey, why aren't you at home?"

"Dale and Mer don't like me and they think that Hayden is living with their kids not me."

"Oh. Well if you don't mind can you go back to the house when they leave and help me show my mother around?"

"Yeah sure."

"K great thanks. My mom will be here any minute now."



Carson ordered his food to go and left. My mom walked in shortly after.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Kenz. How's the new place?"

"Good. I can't wait to show it to you. It's really big."

"Nice so shall we order."


We order our food. My mom got a salad and I got mac and cheese. We ate our food and talked. I learned that Maddie is actually having twins, they found out this morning. My mom also told me about her boyfriend. They are going on their seond date tonight. They are going swimmig and my mom doesn't really have any bathsuits so that's why we need to go shopping.

We finished our food and  went to the mall. We Bought my mom a one peice with slits on the side to show a little skin. We also bought her a white dress to wear over it. Then we went shopping for me. I got some cute shorts, crop tops, shirts, and pajamas. My mom was paying for the last of out stuff so I decided to text Johnny. (A/N look at text up top. Sorry if it's a little blury.) 

Johnny's POV

When my parents arrived they seemed pleased. They've never seen our house before. We gave them a tour of the downstairs. The kitchen, dining room, living room, mini game room, basement AKA big game room, and the outside of our house. They loved the pool. We went upstairs and showed them my room, Carson's (or Hayden's) room,  Lauren's room and-

"Who's room is this?"

"Oh that's Nadia's room."

"Oh. Where is she? I'd love to see her again."

"She's at her parent's house babysitting her cousins."

"Oh well tell her we say hi and that we miss her."


My parent finally left and I texted Kenzie. We left and went to Starbucks.

Mackenzie's POV

Finally the first part of our plan is done. My mom followed my car back to my house. When we got there Carson was already inside. Perfect.

"I didn't know you shared this with someone?"

"Well I share it with three people actually. The renters had a lot of space so they rented it to multiple people."

"Oh well I hope to meet them."

"Two of them are dating so they aren't here right now, but Carson is here."

"Oh okay."

We walked in the front door and Carson came to meet us.

"Carson this is my mom. Mom this is Carson."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Ziegler."

"Nice to meet you too Carson."

We gave my mom a tour of the apartment. When we got to Johnny's room I didn't know what to say. Luckily Carson helped me out.

"And this is--"

"Matt's room."

"Oh nice. I hope I get to meet him soon."

"Maybe next time"

"And this is--"

"Indiana's room."

"Oh I hope to meet her too."

"Next time."

I hope you like this chapter. It will get interesting soon. And new point of views are coming! Who do you think they are?

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