Chapter thirteen

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As I finished talking, Kirsten was crying the whole time. Even more when I talked about Ryan's... Death... I let a few tears run down my check when I was talking. Nirvana walked over and first hugged Kiki. She then hugged me tightly "Everything will be ok". I let all my tears behind my eyes flow. I can't believe Ryan killed himself.

I pulled her arms off me and ran up the stairs. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I heard a lot of knocking and talking but I didn't move to unlock it. I was to upset.

I saw a small note slip under the door. I sat there for a good five minutes before I got up and picked it up. It had been written by a small child due to the handwriting... Kiki.

"Dear Kevin,

I know it's hard for what you just been through, but I'm right here. So is your family, you can't block us forever. Even Nirvana is scared that YOU might kill your self. Please come out!

Love Kiki" I read it quietly.

I looked over the my dresser where a large knife laid. A not curled in my stomach and I fell to the floor.

~~~hours later~~~

I finally got up and my eyes were blood shot, makeup almost smeared off, clothes a mess on me, I looked like shit really. I slowly turned my head to the large knife. I started to giggle a bit, then it turned into a evil.. deep.. laugh.

I quickly took off my corset and put on a old T-shirt. I also slipped some jeans on. I grabbed the knife and carefully wrapped the blade with old cloth. I put it in my pocket and jumped out my window.

When I hit the earth on my feet, the only thing on my mind was to kill... Kill Ryan's father and mother. I ran as fast as I could to there house.

I started to approach the house and now I was walking. My face was facing the earth, I slowly unwrapped the knife. I now stood in front of the door. Knife in my left, and a angry fist in right.

I slowly lifted my head "the time has come" I said quietly "the time is when you come meet fucking hell!" I screamed.

I knew the door was unlocked so I burst through the door. Then door made a loud noise when it hit the wall. I looked around and saw his parents yelling at each other again. But had stopped when they saw me.

I hid the knife behind my back and tried to smile as I walked up to them.

"Kevin! get the hell out. Ryan isn't here anymore. He killed himself the self-centered-bitch" his mother laughed.

I decided it was time to show them my knife friend... My knife to there necks.

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