Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

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Once you start asking questions, innocence is gone.-Mary Astor

Soda pulled up into my driveway on Friday night in some red mustang I had never seen before. I had a feeling it was stolen but, I didn't push it. One of Ponyboys friends, Mark, could hotwire just about anything and would lend out cars to the gang when they asked.

"Hey Soda." I smiled, as he opened the car door for me.

"You ready to party?" Soda asked, turning the ignition in the keys.

I could see his mind spinning behind his eyes, already thinking of everything the night was going to bring.

"Born ready." I smirked back.

Soda and I make a good pair when it comes to partying.

The drive was short. Buck Merril's place was only a couple blocks away and we could have just walked there. I don't know much about Buck, no one really does. He just sort of hangs around with everyone and throws parties almost every weekend. He showed up in Tulsa about 3 years ago and nobody really knows where he came from. People didn't ask questions in exchange for being allowed at the parties. 

"Sodapop Curtis!" I heard Buck call from the screened porch as we got out of the car.

As soon as we set  foot into the house we were surrounded with smoke and other people. Immediately, a few girls eyed Soda up, not even bothering to look away when I glared at them. Soc girls would go running if they got caught staring at Soda but, greaser girls aren't that fragile.

"They're staring at you like you're a piece of meat." I laughed.

"You better hope none of them get too bold tonight." He teased me.

"Try that and see how it goes for you." I laughed.

I knew he was only teasing me. That's one of the reasons we got along so well, is because neither of us took anything the other one said too seriously.

Soda ordered a drink for me but, nothing for himself. He doesn't need it. 

"I'm going to find Steve, alright?" He said, not waiting for my answer and taking off through the crowd.

Soda has the tendency to leave me at parties. We just do our own things, is all. I like to drink, he doesn't. He likes to hang with Steve, I definitely don't.  It's just the way things are. I watched Two-Bit and some other boy throw darts for a while, only hitting the board once.

Buck came walking over to me, giving me a gapped tooth smile, "Hey Scarlett."

"Hi Buck." I replied dryly.

He wasn't a bad guy, just exhausting to be around sometimes. He was always bugging people about things. I swear he couldn't help tit.

"What are you doing here by your lonesome?" He asked, taking a swig of his beer.

"I'm not here by my lonesome. I'm here with Soda."

"Doesn't look like it."

This is what I meant by him being tiring.

"Just because I don't trail behind him like a lost puppy doesn't mean I'm alone."

"Alright, point taken." Buck said, taking another drink, "So what are you up to these days?"

"Not a whole lot." I was itching to get out of that conversation, "I'm going to go find Ponyboy."

It was a flat out lie. I didn't even know if Pony was there. I doubted it. I just walked off and watch Dallas and Curly Shepard play pool. Curly Shepard is the type of hood who you know is a hood. Like with Soda, if you took him out Tulsa most people wouldn't have a clue but, with Curly, you can tell. His older brother, Tim, is the leader of the Shepard gang so, he can get away with pretty much everything. Curly tried to act bad in the beginning, in an attempt to hustle Dallas. That earned him getting a pool stick broken over his head. 

God, is Dallas lucky that he's buddies with Tim or he never would have gotten away with that. Still, they kept playing with Dallas watching Curly a little more carefully. Mark walked up to Curly, whispering a few words to him and then walking over to me.

"Hey Mark." I said

Mark was one of Pony's friends. He was younger than me, but wise beyond his years. He intimidated if I was being honest. He didn't fear a thing.

"How was the car?" He asked, and for a second I thought he was going to ask for me to pay him.

"Good, thanks." I tried to keep my voice neutral.

"How are things with you?" He asked

To this day, I still have no idea why Mark tried making small talk with me.

"Pretty good, and you?" I asked, staring straight into his golden eyes.

Mark sure was a looker. He had soft brown hair and eyes so gold that they could stare right through you. Still, he was a lot younger than me so I can't say I ever thought about him in that way. 

"Pretty good here too." He replied, pulling  out a stack of cash so thick that it made me wonder if he really was a greaser.

"How'd you get all that?"

"Some buisness I've got on the side." He said.

I had the feeling that meant he wasn't selling flowers.

"You being smart about it?" I asked him. He was a good kid and I didn't want anything happening to him.

"Haven't you noticed how I never get caught?" He gave me a smile like a lion.

It's true. In his entire life, I don't think Mark ever got in trouble. He stole more than Two-Bit and even then, he never got caught.

"I don't know how you manage that." I told him honestly.

I really didn't.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds and then gave me one of his notorious smiles, "I'm just a kid. Nothing can touch you when you're a kid."

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