Thanks For The Memories

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If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.-Khalil Gibran

I hadn't seen Soda in a couple days, and I couldn't say that I was dying to see him. I need time to refuel from peoples interactions. He had called the day after the party and apologized for leaving me at the party, but I wasn't angry with him.

Saturday to Monday morning I had spent doing homework and reading books. I wouldn't have minded if Ponyboy would have come over and read with me but, it felt wrong to hang out with Ponyboy and not Soda. Still, Ponyboy understood what Soda didn't. Soda tries his best to understand everyone, he really does but, sometimes he just doesn't get it. 

Plus, I was feeling something strange. I couldn't stop thinking about Mark dealing to kids and how Dallas told me not to judge him harshly. It all felt wrong. To be honest, I hadn't been thinking about Soda at all, only Dallas. I wonder where he went that night, after he walked out into the darkness. And I wonder where Mark went, if he made it back to his house okay. At the time I thought it was funny that I was worried about Mark even though I was angry with him but, when I think about it now, it makes sense. I loved Mark so, I was worried about him, no matter what he did.  It was funny, knowing I could love someone I was so afraid of. In fact, I was so preoccupied about where he went that I drove right over to his house. A boy, who I had seen around a couple times was sitting on the porch, tapping his feet nervously.

"Is Mark here?" I asked, walking up the sidewalk.

The boy stared at me real hard for a couple seconds, probably wondering what the hell I was doing in East side. He had brown eyes like Soda, but not nearly as soft and hair that flopped down across his forehead. He was young too, maybe the same age as Mark but, he was a whole lot taller.

"Who are you?" He asked, standing up off the concrete porch.

"Scarlett Peterson. Where's Mark?" I asked, more annoyed this time.


Around this time I was thinking of kicking him straight in the shins but, I noticed soon enough that he was just flat out nervous.

"You don't know either, do you?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He looked at me again then down at the ground, "No. Were you with him last night?"

I gave him a nod, "Thanks anyways. If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him."

I turned to walk but, the boy called after me, "You know something I don't know."

I shrugged, I wasn't going to be the one to tell him his brother was a dealer, "You know him better than me."

The boy got a real frustrated look on his face and tugged on his messy hair, "Just tell me, please."

I gave him a small smile, "I don't know anything. I've got to go, see you around."

The boy gave a nervous laugh, "You don't know even know who I am."

"You're Mark's brother"

"No, I'm not. Mark just lives with me. His parents killed each other when he was 9." He gave me a rueful grin.

"What's your name?" I asked, more for his benefit than mine.


"Well then see you around, Bryon."

He laughed and I took that as my cue to leave. I drove back to my house and sat in my driveway and this time I felt even more worried about Mark. But, at least I wasn't the only one. 

This Might Hurt A Little-A Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now