New History

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"Get up, hobo." Soda laughed at Dallas, helping him too his feet.

I have a feeling that Dallas would have rather dropped dead than hung out with us right then but, I guess he just couldn't think of a good enough excuse to leave.

"What are you doing sleeping here anyways? Shoulda' at least slept at Scarletts. I'm sure she wouldn't have minded." Soda handed Dallas a cigarette, who instantly lit it up, taking a deep inhale of smoke.

If being a greaser doesn't kill them, lung cancer will.

"I don't need to be seen spending the night at some socs'" Dallas eyed me furiously, with anger that I didn't deserve.

"You that concerned about what others think about you?" I shouldn't have asked him that but, he was just rubbing me the wrong way.

"I don't give a damn what anyone thinks about me." Dallas flicked the ashes of his cigarette onto the ground, his eyes challenging me to say any differently.

"Aw Dal, she was just asking a question. You don't have to snap at her like that." Soda isn't afraid to tell anyone in the gang to lay off.

I don't know how he managed to get away with it. If Steve or Ponyboy did that they woud get their front teeth bashed in. But, I guess things were different for Sodapop.


Dallas looked like he was debating between knocking Soda flat or just walking away from us. If Soda noticed, he pretended he didn't.

"I ain't seen Sylvia around lately. You two still going?"

It was true, Dallas's necklace had returned back to his neck, where he kept it when he wasn't giving it away to girls. If he had it, it meant he was going solo.

"Broad cheated on me when I was in jail. We're done for now good, I'm over it." Dallas threw his arm around Johnny, who jumped at the touch.

"Right." I snorted.


"You're always saying that. You go steady with her, she two-times you, you break up with her, and then you get back together."

Dallas moved over next to me, his face stony, "Are you ever going to mind your own damn business?"

I smiled, despite his anger, "It's not in my nature."

Soda stepped in between us, giving Dallas a small shove on the shoulders and then wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "You okay?"

I nodded. I knew Dallas would never lay a hand on me but, Soda wasn't so sure. We walked the rest of the way in silence mostly, Dallas scowling on one side of me and Soda smiling on the other. And then Johnny loning it, trailing a few steps behind the rest of us. A black mustang came revving past us only a few blocks from the Curtis's but, not a word was shouted at us. In fact, when the souped up car pulled over next to us I had no idea what to expect but, Dallas and Soda were both itching for a fight, I could tell. I stood behind the two of them, next to Johnny who was shaking like a leaf.

"We're not looking for any trouble." A voice from in front of Dallas and Sodapop spoke up, and I knew who it was immediately, and I knew I didn't have to be afraid.

"Ashton!" I moved around Soda and Dallas and wrapped my arms around the figure who had just hopped out of the car.

"Where the hell have you been, Scarlett?" His breath tickled the side of my face when he laughed.

I'd known Ashton since I was only five, and being next door neighbors, we had been best friends our entire lives. I hadn't seen him since I'd moved a year earlier, and I'd missed him. He's got blue green eyes that burn with determination and passion that match his personality. He's one of the wildest people I've ever known, which has led to us getting into a lot of trouble throughout the years.

"What are you doing here?" Even though it had only been a year since I had last seen him, he looked older.

"I figured if you weren't going to come and see me, I was going to have to come to you."

Around this time, Sodapop gave an awkward cough, and I figured he was deciding whether or not to punch Ashton out.

"Ashton, this is Soda, Johnny, and Dallas."

"You've certainly got different friends here then back home." Ashton laughed, but gave them all a joking smile none the same.

Soda seemed to warm up to him, realizing he could make a friend out of him but, Dallas and Johnny held their distance.

"I've changed." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You certainly have."

"So why are you really here?" I asked, ignoring the smoke that Dallas sent blowing into my face from his cigarette.

Ashton looked at Soda, then back at me, "I came here to bring you home."

This Might Hurt A Little-A Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now