devastated [ leo x reader ]

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AHEM Trials of Apollo spoilers so if you're not caught up on that... or know what happens to one of the characters...

stop reading :)

[ leo x reader ]

You sat upon the dark concrete of downtown San Fransisco. Your breath hung in the cold as mist. You shivered as tears ran down your cheeks.

You have just been called about an hour or so earlier to be told the fate of one of your friends, Jason. A little after, they decided to tell you also that your friend Kylan didn't make it either.

Alone you sat, looking at the puddles on the ground as it had just stopped raining. The water pooled around your boots as you looked upon your tear-stained reflection. Your cheeks were both red from the cold and the everflowing tears. You didn't have a jacket on. 


You heard your name as if it was a knife cutting the silence around you. "Leo?" you called out, not having the heart to look up from your puddle. You saw his familiar latino face appear next to yours, eyes red and a jacket in his arms. He wrapped the soft, warm material around you, and it smelled of burning wood. He sat beside you and held your cold, damp hands. "Hey," he said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead, sending warmth throughout your grieving body. 

And there you two sat together for a while. Leo didn't cry, but held you close when you started to sob. He kissed your head and rubbed your back and carried you home when you fell asleep, tears still running down your gentle face. He tucked you into your warm bed and laid down beside you so that you wouldn't be lonely when you woke up. 

He was just as devastated as you, but he still acted like he wasn't to make sure you were okay again.

read my book thanks


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