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(Richards's POV)

"What do you mean he's gone!?" Alex yelled at me "He's not in t-the basement A-Alex." I said to him getting nervous. "Okay Richard....just stay here with Y/N and I will go look for him." Alex said to me as he walked out of the room, I went over to Y/N and gave her an apologizing look. "I-I'm sorry Y/N." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Th-There's no need to be sorry, we should've ended him when we had the chance Richard." I grabbed Y/N's hand and squeezed it. "Your right Y/N." I said as I began to look out the room's window until i hear Y/N whisper something. "Benicio Drew." I heard her say i looked at her worried she might ask about him. "Where is he?" She said as she turned and looked at me. I sighed knowing she was going to ask me this question but I answered it with hesitation.

"H-He's not here Y/N....he went back to Toon Town." Y/N looked at me saddened but reply. "Why?" She asked me, while gripping my hand a little tighter than before. "Y/N I'm just gonna give it to you straight!" She looked at me confusion but listened to me intently wanting to hear what I had to say. "We had to fake your death!" She looked at me slightly irritated. "It was for your own safety Y/N!" I said trying to calm her down. "We told him you were dead so you could heal and get some rest." She looked at me and softened her expression a bit. "Who's idea was this?" She asked me. "A-Alex Ofcourse, you told us he would be the boss if something were to happen to you." I said and she sighed gritting her teeth in anger while saying: "Alex!" I tried to calm her down but it was of no use.

"I-If anything happens to Benicio because you both told him I was dead....I'm gonna have the both of your heads!" She said as she let go of my hand and started to touch her chest where the gun shot wound was. "He didn't deserve any of this." I sighed and nodded my head agreeing with Y/N. "Ofcourse he didn't Y/N, no one deserved what Vinny had to put them through." Y/N nodded her head and sighed. "R-Richard i think I'm gonna go back to sleep for awhile." I nodded my head and began to make myself comfortable in the chair I was sitting in. "I'll be right here if you need me." I said as I watched her slowly drift of to sleep, I was going to stay up just incase Alex came back with Vinny. Hopefully he does....because we dont need that bastard to cause anymore trouble....but Alex....good luck.

(Benicio's POV)

It's only been a day since Richard told me that Y/N was dead, I couldn't believe it when he told me that. It feels like all of it just happened, it keeps replaying over and over in my head....and I feel like I can snap at any given second. I felt like all morality was slipping away from me and I couldn't help it....not one bit! Once I got back to Toon Town I got to my mansion and went to my room locking the door behind me, I've been in my bed ever since then never even bothering to get up. I bet there's so much work that needs to be done but I guess for now I'll just have to leave that to Francine. I just feel to weak to do anything, i haven't even eaten in awhile that's probably why. "I guess I better go and get something to eat then." I said to no one as I got out of my bed and stretched, my tail drug against the floor but I didn't really care.

As soon as I put my hand on the doorknob to open it I heard three small knocks on my window, i turned around to see no one was there. "I'm probably just hearing stuff." I said to myself as I proceeded to open the door but I heard the three knocks again, i started to get irritated and went over to my window and opened it. I stuck my head outside of the window and looked around, I didn't see anyone I was about to close the window but before I did I took one last check. I sighed in annoyance and had began to close the window, but before I did someone jumped inside my room causing me to crash to the floor. "What the hell!" I said as I looked around to find out who that was that jumped in my room...and then I looked towards my bed, I went pale when I realized who it was. "V-Vinny." I said while getting up from the floor and brushing myself off

He chuckled and arched his eyebrows. "Yeah, it's me!" Vinny said as he jumped off of my bed and did a small pose. "How'd you get out of that basement!"  I heard Vinny chuckle. "That doesn't matter right now....Mr. Drew, all that matters right now I your precious Y/N.~" I had started to feel uncomfortable around him now, like he wanted something but also wanted to tell me something. "Wh-What do you want from me Vinny." I asked hoping it would make him leave quicker. "Oh...I don't want anything right now....but I do think you should know something." Vinny said coming closer to me with every word he said. "And what is that?" I asked him. "Y/N's not dead." I gasped at what he said, I couldn't believe he had the nerve to say something like that. "Yes she is." I said quietly to Vinny, he started to laugh.

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