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I could hear Alex calling out my name as this monster carried me down a dark hallway, I balled my fist and started to beat him on his back. But it seemed as though he wasn't fazed by any move or gesture I made. "Let me go!"  I said as I continued to pound my fist against his back. He let out a small chuckled that made shivers go up my spine and then it spoke in its deep and distorted voice....

"Your not going anywhere.......


(Alex's POV)

I watched as that monster version of Benicio took Y/N down the dark hallway, I did everything I could to try to help her but I couldn't because I had some kind of sticky ink covering my feet not letting me move. My only hope right now was Richard he was knocked out but Benicio didn't take the time to restrain him, I sighed as I began to call Richards name. "Richard!" I said he still didn't move so I tried again. "Richard!!" I said a little louder this time, he moved slightly but didn't get up. I sighed and then looked around hoping to find anything that could help me wake him up, i saw a loose board along the floor. I carefully bent down and tore it from the floor earning a loud noise while doing it. I tried to stand back up wobbling in the process, I put my free hand on the wall to give me some support.

Luckily it helped, i looked over to Richard with the piece of wood in my hand and started to poke him with it. "Richard wake up!" I said while poking him, I smiled slightly when he started to slowly wake up. I began to poke him quicker hoping it would speed up the process...and it did! Richard slowly got up and looked at me. "Wh-What happened?" I looked at Richard and smiled in success. "No time to ask questions Richard, help me get out of this ink!!" I said as he stood up stumbling a bit. "Oh, I've got a headache." He said as he  rubbed his head, he looked around and then looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Where's Y/N?" Richard asked me but I waited for a few seconds and let the memories flood back into his mind, I smiled slightly. "That's what happened to her Richard." I said as he quickly made his way over to my feet and tried his best to get the ink from my feet.

"Alex, this isn't helping it's just getting stuck to my hands!" Richard said as he pulled his hands away from my feet and started to shake the ink off his hands. "We need water Richard, go see if you can find some around here!" I said as I saw Richard stand up and look at me worried. "I'll be fine so just go!" I said as he ran behind me deeper down the hallway looking for any type of water source.

(Richard's POV)

When I left Alex and went to go find a water source I had started to thing about Y/N. "I hope she's okay."  I said to myself as I continued to wonder the halls, I couldn't find a water source as I continued through the halls until I got this crazy idea. I grabbed a candle that was sitting around and then as quick as possible made my way back to Alex. "Did you find any water!?" He asked me hoping my answer was yes, but I shook my head and showed him the candle. "Um Richard, i dont think this type of ink is flammable." Alex said to me but I didn't listen to him, I got eye level with his feet and then put the candle towards them. It instantly caught unfire, I looked up to see Alex with a dumbfounded look on his face. I simply smirked at him he saw this and mumbled someting I couldn't quite hear, but I didn't care at the moment.

I kept a keen eye on the fire just in case it wanted spread, the ink was melting slowly. It took a few seconds before the ink completely melted away I made sure to stomped out any possible thing left that could start a fire, I looked at Alex as he smiled at me. "Thanks Richard!" He said while he was stretching his legs to probably get the numbness out of them. "What are we going to do now Alex?" I asked him while looking down the hallway of the workshop. "We don't have everything we need to go help her so we've got to leave the workshop and then come back to see what we can do to help, but we would have to find her before we could help her." Alex said rather quickly but I understood what he said and followed him to the exit. "Don't you think it's gonna get tiring having to walking all the time?"

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