Prison Break!!!!

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.I saw a single tear roll down his cheeks as I was pulled off of him and he was carried out the door, I laid on the ground crying softly until someone lift me up by my was Joey. "Now Y/N, your coming with me." Joey said as he handed Vinny his gun and he pointed it at Alex, Richard and Charlie. "And if you try anything...Vinny's going to pull the trigger on all of them." Joey said as he raised his hand and it turned into a fist, I looked up at him with fear. "But for now Y/'s time for you to sleep." Joey said as I felt his fist come in contact with my face, my vision had started to blur.

No...this can't be the end

(Y/N's POV)

I-I can't move...what is hurts rusted metal tearing through my skin. I can't open my eyes! What's going on!? All I can see is a void of never ending darkness! I want to get out! Wait...what's that sound? It sounds like something is dripping onto a hard surface...I feel some kind of liquid flowing down my whole body....I c-cant remember...anything. "Y/N." I heard someone call out softly. "Y/N!" I heard the voice call out again a little louder this time. I started to feel a sharp pain all over my body, I can't take this anymore. But I can't give up...I've got to help Benicio...I can't let him down... "Y/N!!" The voice called out more urgently this time, I tried to move my limbs but when I did there was pain. I groaned out in displeasure as I had started to move towards the voice.

"Wake up Y/N." It said to me, I started to see a large source of light in front if me. I slowly walked towards it trying to ignore the pain I was receiving while moving. "You need to wake up Y/N!" The voice said again, it was getting louder every time it spoke. I started walking faster towards the light. "Get up!!" The voice yelled out, I became startled and tried to run towards the light but the pain in my body was preventing me from doing so. I fell to the ground started crawling towards the light it looked like it was fading away, I tried to make my way towards the light but my body was refusing to move. "Stupid Body!" I yelled to myself as I felt something touch my arm, it felt cold and slimy I didn't dare look back to see what it was. I watched as the light faded I felt the thing that was behind me grip my arm tightly, I closed my eyes and felt as it abruptly pulled me back.

I yelped slightly at the sudden movement, the cold and slimy hand was soon replaced with something warmer and soft. I couldn't feel pain in my body was numb, I fluttered my eyes open. My vision was a little blurry but I saw to familiar figures in front of me, I tried to rub rubbed my eyes but to was like I was restrained on something. I blinked a few times hoping I would be able to see clearly and luckily I did, it was Joey and Vinny. I tried to break free of my restraints but it was no use. "Calm down Y/N." I quickly looked at Vinny shooting daggers at him with my eyes. "Don't tell me to calm down!!" I yelled as I continued to struggle in the restraints. "Y/ like he said!" Joey yelled at me as he gripped my shoulder tightly. "Don't touch me!" I yelled out as I tried to shake his hand off of me but to no avail.

"Y/N you belong to me now I control you." Joey said as a wicked smile laid on his face. "What do you mean you control me!? I'm still the same!" I yelled out as Joey and Vinny stepped away from me. "Take a look around Y/N, and then take a good look at yourself." Joey said as I looked around the room we were in, I instantly recognized it as the work shop. The wooden floor boards and the dim lights that would flicker everyonce in awhile, the coffins that were stacked neatly against the wall and the lit candles that were scattered around the large room. My eyes wondered over to the corner of the room I saw what would look like...bodies? I looked closer and my eyes widened, those were bodies of toons. My stomach churned with disapproval, I looked up at the two men with a disgusted look on my face.

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