Demon's Inside Of Us

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.I was awoken by a loud voice over a speaker, I tried to open my eyes but the bright lights blinded me. Once I could get my eyes open I looked up and saw someone very familiar to me standing on a catwalk, looking down at me smirking.

"It's so good to see you home Bendy.~"


(Benicio POV)

I looked at the person on the catwalk, not believing who I was was my....creator.....Joey Drew. I emmited a low growl from my chest, and started to speak. "Joey, what do you want with us?" I asked him as I looked over to Alex who was still unconscious. "I just want you Bendy." Joey said as he chuckled slightly. "Then why do you have both of us?" I asked him while trying to break free of my restraints. "You might want to stop moving Bendy." I looked at him and smirked "Or what?" I asked him anxious to hear what he had to say. "Boris." My eyes widened when he said that name "D-Don't touch him!" I said as I tried even harder to get out of the restraints. "Just do what I say and I won't have to hurt him." Joey said as a wicked smile formed on his face. "I-I'm not doing anything for you, so you can just forget about it!" I said as I looked at him frowning.

Joey sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I guess I'll just have to hurt Boris and your little friend there." Joey said as he pointed at Alex "Y-Your not going t-to be hurt anyone!" I said getting nervous by the second, i knew how much power Joey had...and if I made the wrong move he could kill me on the spot. "Is that right Bendy?" I started to drip ink from my forehead because I was becoming so nervous, Joey smirked at the sight of me becoming nervous. "Why ya nervous Bendy?" I stayed quiet, shooting daggers at him with my eyes...he knew I wouldn't be able to save everyone I lowered my head in defeat he smirked at my actions. "W-What do you want with me?" I asked him ashamed of what I was doing. "Bendy you belong here....where you don't belo-" I cut Joey's sentence short as I started to get fustrated with him. "Just tell me what you want Joey!!"

I said as I looked at Joey, he put a smirk on his face and chuckled. "I want to give you something Bendy, your so weak and fragile right now...but when I'm done with you your going to be thanking me." I looked at him confused. "Wh-What do you mean when you done with me!?" I asked him getting irritated with his games. "Your being remade Bendy." I looked at him, my eyes widening at what he said. "Y-Your not gonna touch me!!" Joey smirked. "Then who will it be? Your friend right there, Boris....or what is her name...Oh yes....Y/N?" I clenched my teeth together when he said that. "Y-Your not gonna be touching any of them!" I said, as he just stood there and laughed. "What will it be Bendy?" I closed my eyes tightly and thought about everything, I didn't have much of a choice with anything I didn't want him to hurt Y/N, Boris or I was only left with one choice....and that was to do what Joey said.

"Okay Joey, I'll do it!" Joey looked at me and smirked. "But on one condition!" Joey looked at me and nodded his head. "What is it." Benicio looked at Alex and then at Joey. "That you let Alex and Boris go and that you leave Y/N and everyone else out of this!" Joey chuckled slightly "Alright Bendy." Joey said as he walked down the catwalk an slowly walked towards Benicio, Joey smiled slightly at him and walked behind him to untie the rope from around him. "There ya go." Joey said as he untied the rope from around Benicio, Joey looked at Benicio and notioned him to go over and untie Alex. Once Benicio untied Alex he shook him slightly so that he could wake him up, after a few seconds Alex's eyes fluttered open he looked around confused.

"B-Benicio what h-happend." I ignored Alex's question and helped him get out of the chair he was tied in. "Benicio are you okay?" I looked at him confused because he was acting strange. "G-Get out of here Alex....NOW!" I heard Joey sigh behind me "Come on Bendy...we don't have all day." I nodded my head and pointed towards the exit door. "Alex, please go....get back to Y/N....tell her I love her and I'm sorry for everything that I've done." I saw Alex about to speak but I stopped him before he could. "Just get out of here Alex!" Alex started to slowly back up he looked at me in my eyes and said something that gave me a spark of hope in this mess. "I-I'll be back." He said as he ran out of the studio and into some unknown direction, Joey put his hand on my shoulder I turned around and looked at him and he put a small smile on his face.

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