History of Poland in a nutshell

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This one is more of a meme, okay? No hard feelings ok? Just for shits and giggles.



In a meeting of European powers with Austria, Russia, Prussia and Turkey...

Turkey: He has gotten quite big...

Prussia: I agree...

Russia: How about... a game?

Austria: Who can pick the biggest piece off of Poland?

Turkey: I'll pass this time. Russia made a toll on my soldiers.

Prussia, Russia and Austria: Let the battle begin.

Elsewhere in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth

Poland: I just got a really weird shiver down my back Liet!

Lithuania: *looking out the window* Oh dear...


Once again, a meeting of European powers gathered again.

Turkey: So who got the biggest piece?

Russia: I think I did.

Prussia: No way, I did.

Austria: I think my piece of pretty big.

Russia: It's obviously me.

Turkey: How about a second round to decide?

Prussia, Austria and Russia: Okay!

Elsewhere, in Poland

Poland: *Pretty tired and battered.* Aye, I got that shiver again... *Looks out the window* ah... kurwa!


Yet another meeting.

Turkey: So, I got a very small piece that last time. How much did you get Russia?

Russia: Half the country. Mother Russia wants more~

Prussia: Ha! I got the western part!

Austria: I got most of the southern part.

Russia: Let's see how far we can push it!

Prussia and Austria: Alright.

Turkey: Yeah, I'm backing out. Poland ain't looking too good.

Back in Poland~

Poland: We still have Warsaw as a capital!

Lithuania: Poland, you're in a fullbody cast and I'm pretty sure my leg is broken along with a few ribs. Stop it.

Poland: Don't worry liet! We'll just make sure they won- Oh? Who's knocking at the door?

Lithuania: dON't oPEN iT!

The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth has dissolved~

Belarus: I'M FREE!

Lithuania: *groaning in pain* Aww...

Some time during the 1800s

Y/n:Where the hell did Poland go?

Russia and Prussia: *whistling innocently in the corner.*

Austria: They talked me into it.

Poland: *barely alive* H...Help...


Poland: *Heard about WW1* nOoOoOoO

Lithuania: Don't worry ol' buddy. I'm here in tip top shape!

Germany: Hi.

Russia: Hi again.

Lithuania: *ghosted*

Poland: *sigh* Here we go again...

The end of WW1

Poland: I'M FinalLY IndEPENdant! I will be called the Second Polish Republic!

Y/n: Y'all should really give Poland a break.

Everyone in Europe: Oh we will :))))

Poland: Oh wait, what's that forming in the distance?

Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: *Union* :D

Everyone: Russia... Got bigger.

Russia: Nonono... We will soon be known as the USSR. We will be greatest nation.


The allies: *to Germany* We'll give you... Czechoslovakia, some of this, and this piece of Poland!

Poland: StAhP!

The Axis: How about we just try and take the whole thing!

Poland: Fine! I'll fight all y'all!

Lithuania: I'll just tell you when they want invade...

Poland: Like, thanks Liet. You're a saviour.


Poland: I'm done with all of you guys' shi-

Russia: *smiling creepily*

America: *Glares back at Russia*

Russia: *to East Europe countries* This one is mine, and this one is mine too, so is this one! Communism! Poland, and everyone on this side is mine!

Eastern European countries: We feel your pain Poland...

Poland: No YOu doN'T! StOp LYinG!


Poland: Ahhh~ Peace and quiet! PONY!

Pony: Neigh


I hope you guys enjoyed this! Requests are open for scenarios so you can either comment or message me! I always answer

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